Lan zhan and Wei wuxian together left the cloud recesses without sneaking out like before.
They entered Caiyi Town together after walking for a while.
From the cloud recesses till now, they're holding hands tightly and acted so romantically gentle with eachother making everyone who face them to think twice of their relationship.
They got a few confused stares from people, but wei wuxian seems to like their reactions and enjoyed it to the fullest.
On the middle of the crowded Streets of Caiyi Town, with lot of other peoples passing by, all the eyes were on two persons, Wei wuxian and his ice jade Boyfriend.
Wei wuxian's stomach began to growl. Wei wuxian's starts to feel hungry but didn't dare to eat because he thought that he was getting fat and have to lose some weight.
But this wasn't hidden we'll enough for Lan zhan to not notice. Lan zhan waited for a few seconds for wei wuxian to give up and ask for food but wei wuxian haven't said a word.
Lan zhan asked Wei wuxian, "Are you hungry?", wei wuxian replied with a awkward smile shortly, "Not at all. I just ate 5 dishes in breakfast".
Lan zhan steps stopped right there and his grabbed wei wuxian's wrist and said, "But it was literally 8 hours ago.", Wei wuxian panicked and replied, "So what? I just don't feel hungry, that's it. If I'm gonna fill my already filled stomach then I'm gonna explode"
Wei wuxian pulled his wrist from lan zhan's hand and started walking forward leaving lan zhan a few steps behind.
Lan zhan's suspension was proved right that wei wuxian is afraid of gaining weight. He doesn't want wei wuxian to starve but on the other hand wei wuxian refused to eat.
Luckily lan zhan got a way to make wei wuxian eat loads of food now. Lan zhan called, "Wei Ying..", Wei wuxian turned and asked, "What happened?"
Lan zhan said,"I have a surprise for for you....", the corners of wei wuxian's lips curved upward from excitement.
Wei wuxian asked in a excited tone, "Lan zhannn ! What suprise?", Lan zhan replied, "Close your eyes first", wei wuxian replied, "Okay".
Although wei wuxian closed his eyes but lan zhan used his forehead ribbon to cover wei wuxian's eyes because he knew how mischievous wei wuxian is during surprises.
Lan zhan dragged wei wuxian straight into a restaurant . After entering it , lan zhan made Wei wuxian sit saying that he should take a rest for while. Then he went to order food items which includes spicy dishes, rice noodles,deserts and emperor's smile.
When all the items arrived on the table, lan zhan untied his ribbon and stunned wei wuxian. Wei wuxian complaint, "lan zhan! What kind of surprise is this ?!"
Lan zhan picked up a dish from chopsticks and filled wei wuxian's mouth with it then replied, "No talking while eating."
Wei wuxian chewed it fastly to have a word with lan zhan but lan zhan filled wei wuxian mouth right after wei wuxian shallow something.
At the end, Lan zhan succeeded in feeding wei wuxian all the dishes but now he's suffering from a angry pouting boyfriend, more like a WIFE~
Wei wuxian was aggressively walking forward leaving Lan zhan behind to follow him.
Everytime Lan zhan tried to catch up, wei wuxian shrugged him off and walked even faster.
Lan zhan was thinking about how lit wei wuxian's mood up. Fortunately he got one too.
Lan zhan said to wei wuxian, "Wei Ying, I'm going to the western shops. Don't go too far", Wei wuxian heard that but didn't answered back as he was still angry.
Lan zhan hesitated a little bit then left as he also have to relieve his boyfriend's anger. So he went to shops he wanted to.
When wei wuxian felt Lan zhan left , he quickly stopped right on spot to wait for lan zhan's return meanwhile, in his mind was a whole ass debate and cute worried expression.
Wei wuxian's thoughts, 'Due to Lan zhan , I've gained a few more pounds now............. my belly has already started to stick out!!! I should have listened to Jiang Cheng when he said I ate like a Pig !! Lan zhan's so intelligent that he fooled me into eating a whole family dinner. If i tell him about me worrying about my weight, he'll definitely feed me untill I'm 100 kgs pig and still say I need to eat more. Eat more ? my fucking ass! I wished to eat 15 people food but my belly stick out making me look 6 months pregnant lady.'
Vote for Wei wuxian
Hey dear readers, sorry for the delay but now I've stopped procrastination and I'll try my best to update.

DESTINED : ( TIME TRAVEL ) Old Memories Made New
RomanceWangxian accidentally came back to the PAST while investing a mystery, but they couldn't remember anything from the future or even that they time travelled to the past. Two soul are now again seperated, will destiny join their paths again? Or it'll...