Lantern 🏮

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Today evening , everyone will release Lanterns in sky and wish for something.

Everyone gathered at the back hill and started crafting their Lanterns. Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang and Jin Xuan were releasing individually.

Wei wuxian, Lan Zhan were releasing the Lantern together.

Wei wuxian painted a rabbit and showed to Lan zhan. Lan zhan gave the most gorgeous smile to his Wei Ying. Flash back of the moment played in his head.

Flash Back

Lan zhan was releasing lantern in the sky with Wei wuxian who stubbornly didn't let Lan zhan craft and release Lantern alone this year.

Wei wuxian painted a Rabbit on the lantern and showed to Lan zhan. Miraculously, a bright smile came on the cold poker face of Lan zhan.

Lan zhan admired the painting of the rabbit but he admired the painter the most.

Flash back end

"Lan zhan", called Wei wuxian, he waved his hand towards lan zhan but Lan zhan was lost in the sweet memories of past. Wei wuxian called again, "Lan Zhannn", he snapped his fingers which woke Lan zhan up from the flashbacks of themselves.

"What happened?", asked Wei wuxian, "Nothing...... just admiring the painting", said Lan zhan. Wei wuxian gave a mischievous smile and said, "Wait!Are you fan of my trash paintings already?". Lan zhan stared at wei wuxian to shut down Wei wuxian's nonsense.

'But i admire the painter more', said Lan zhan in his thoughts and smiled softly staring at Wei wuxian when wasn't looking.

Everyone released Lanterns in the sky and made wishes.

Wen Qing wished, "I wish to always protect my little brother, A-Ning, at all cost from this cruel world". Her wish made Jiang Cheng realised that she's not evil like the other Wens, she just wants to protect her brother.

Wei wuxian and Lan Wangji wished, "We , Lan wangji and Wei wuxian, wish to eliminate the evil and always assit the weak"

After wishing, they held their hands and stared at eachother with affection in their sparkling eyes . Lan zhan was the first to smile which made Wei wuxian chuckled.

Behind them were so girls fan girling over their relationship and internally screaming. They were so excited by them smiling to together while MianMian had seen them almost kiss in a empty classroom standing beside the fan girls.

Yanli and Jin Xuan released Lanterns seperately which made the Jin Clan female Cultivators tease Yanli about their marriage. They questioned why didn't they released together as they are already betrothed .

Yanli became silent to that question while Jin Xuan yelled the Cultivators and declared he doesn't wanna talk about their marriage or even care about it.

Everyone was shocked by how rude Jin Xuan is to Yanli. Wei wuxian lost it with anger rising in his nerves. Lan zhan too was furious by this disrespect so he didn't stop Wei wuxian from chasing Jin Xuan to teach him a lesson.

Lan zhan stayed quiet and let Wei wuxian do what he got to. Lan zhan went to Yanli and comforted her saying Jin Xuan will learn his lesson real quick and that she shouldn't take that to heart.

Wei wuxian stopped Jin Xuan way and screamed with a furious tone, "What do you mean it doesn't have anything to do with you ? Why don't you wanna be seen with her ? HUH !My Shijie is literally your fiancé , what are you ashamed of you asshole ?! You think she's useless ? Let me tell you can't disrespect her till I'm still breathing ."

Saying this Wei wuxian pounced on Jin Xuan and punched him hard on the face making blood come out his corner of the mouth.

Other Jin disciplines tried to stop Wei wuxian but the one who came between them got injured. It took like hundreds of disciplines to stop their fighting.

Still wei wuxian didn't stop and tried to fight again ignoring the others untill Yanli finally arrives and stops Wei wuxian.

"A-xian! Did you lose you mind ? STOP IT !!!", yelled Yanli which immediately made Wei wuxian stop.

A jin discipline came forward and insulted Wei wuxian,"Stop it Wei wuxian! How dare you touch our gongzhu? I agree our Gongzhu shouldn't have said that so what , you can't just come and attack him.You being from Jiang Clan is even more cunning. Don't your clan teach Violence isn't the answer?"

"SHUT UP YOU MORON ! And yes Violence isn't the answer , it's the question and the answer is YES", yelling that Wei wuxian tried to hit the arrogant Jin discipline who mingled in the fight.

"Any how , it's not a matter that requires your interference, Wei wuxian !", yelled back the Jin discipline.

Everything was on fire and Chaos was spreading like a disease untill Lan WangJi arrived. The arrival of Lan zhan made everyone flinch except for Wei wuxian who tried argue back.

"Wei Ying ! Let me handle this", whispered Lan Zhan to wei wuxian. Then he turned to face the Jin discipline insulting his Boyfriend.

Lan zhan gave a cold glare and replied, "From what you've said, I see you're quite disrespect and a biased people pleaser. I see that it's you whose interferences isn't required. And for Wei Ying, he's the brother of Jiang Yanli. Who are you to insult and question his requirement ?"

The Jin discipline didn't even bend to show respect and argued back,"But Lan er gongzhu he injured our Gongzhu badly. Isn't that punishable ?"

"Both are injured. Violence shouldn't chosen but he was forced to take it for his sister dignity. Which i assume isn't wrong. Jin gongzhu threw mud at Miss Jiang's respect without thinking about that Miss Jiang is his Fiancé in front of everyone.", replied Lan Zhan coldly.

"But- No one forced him to choose Violence. He's still punishable", argued back the Jin discipline. Lan zhan rolled his eyes then looked the people gathered around

"To all the misses and gongzhus , would you rather stand still and tolerate anyone throw mud at your respectful sister Dignity? Would anyone ?", said Lan zhan to the crowd.

The crowd became silent and thought about it then started shouting and agreeing with Lan Zhan that no one wants to see their sister dignity get insulted.

Lan zhan then asked, "Won't you do the same as Wei Ying did for his sister under pressure of saving her dignity ?", everyone agreed that they would do the same as Wei wuxian did and supported Wei wuxian .

Lan zhan asked ,"Did he do anything wrong ?", "No !!", everyone answered. "Then is he punishable ?", asked Lan zhan, "No!!", said everyone.

Lan zhan defended Wei wuxian by making others think in Wei wuxian's perspective and proved that wei wuxian's innocent.

Wei wuxian smiled with full of overwhelmed emotions. He admired Lan Zhan's efforts to defend him.

Then Lan Xichen arrived and reviewed the conflict and send everyone to their respective rooms as it was past 6 pm.

Everyone went to their own rooms except for Wei wuxian and Lan Zhan who were called by Lan Qiren.

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