Jiang Cheng scolded wei wuxian about not carrying his sword Suibian around.
Wei wuxian didn't say anything so Jiang Cheng got even furious and unleashed his sword then said that wei wuxian should practice swords daily or his skills will get weak .
Wei wuxian internally was fighting a big emotion but didn't showed it.
He had a grief about being able to use Suibian but can't fight with it like 17 years ago.
Jiang Cheng tossed Suibian to wei wuxian and made his first attack, however wei wuxian, suprisingly was able defend himself with Suibian.
Wei wuxian tried to attack Jiang Cheng with Suibian and surprisingly he could use it like before but even better.
Wei wuxian observed that his sword had some black fog around which jiang Cheng didn't notice and wei wuxian was confused because he didn't use his demonic cultivation on his sword.
Wei wuxian thought that it happened because he was the founder of demonic cultivation but he can't tell if it was due his demonic cultivation or his old cultivation that made him able fight with Suibian like before.
Within a spend of 30 seconds , Jiang Cheng was defeated and shocked because wei wuxian, after coming to Gusu never practiced swords but now he has gotten even better than before.
He also noticed that wei wuxian mixed many different swordsmanship together with the Lan and Jiang.
Wei wuxian stared at Suibian closely like dude, he's stunned by his own ability, and that's the goal of the life
He curiously asked, "Did Lan Wang Ji taught you Lan clan swordsmanship ?", wei wuxian shaked his head and said, "No, i guess , it just happened, it's a coincidence".
Jiang Cheng challenged wei wuxian again and said him to keep practicing with him now.
Wei wuxian enthusiastically agreed and stepped into the battlefield. Every single battle , he used new techniques and body movements shocking Jiang Cheng at the same time making him proud.
Wei wuxian was stunned too by his moves. He had never done it before and even after not holding a sword for 17 years , how could he fight so well.
Wei wuxian with tears of happiness in eyes , runs to find Lan zhan.
He finds Lan zhan sword battling his brother, Xichen, suprisingly Lan zhan defeated his brother with a unseen yet powerful swordsmanship.
Xichen was stunned with Lan Zhan's new swordsmanship skills , he tried to ask about but seems like Lan zhan doesn't have any idea how did he defeated his elder brother, the sect leader within 30 seconds.
Wei wuxian finds it weird that both of them suddenly learned a mysterious swordsmanship overnight.
After Lan Xichen left to meet the Old man Lan. Wei wuxian appeared and gave Lan zhan the most stunning news.
Lan zhan also shared that he had never defeated his brother like this before and wei wuxian shared that even after never touching his sword again, he could fight even better.
Wei wuxian suggested that they should battle eachother to observe eachother's moves and analysis it.
Lan zhan agreed and both of them stepped in the battlefield with the wind creating strong tension between them.
The fight started with Lan zhan tearing the wind apart with his sword, wei wuxian bended and turned around then parried.
However, lan zhan was able to escape his parries and attacked back with a great force which was greatly opposed by Suibian with an equal force.
Both of their swords were crossing eachother with equal energy. Wei wuxian and Lan zhan faced eachother with a smile on their faces for eachother.
It wasn't a battle anymore, they were having fun with intimacy between them just increased along with the tension in their gaze.
Suddenly, a lighting fell on them but it was reflected back back because of their spiritual cores .
They were so lost in their own world that didn't notice it.
All of a sudden, some fog started generating rotating on their swords.
Bichen emitted the light energy while Suibian emitted the dark energy.Wei wuxian did Ariel and Lan zhan did that too. When their feets touched the ground, it cracked. The whole time their eyes gazed at eachother's eyes .
As they landed, they had a sudden boost in their stamina. It was like they were gaining more strength than losing in fight.
Bichen and Suibian received the energy from their Cultivators who were just normal human beings. Aren't they?
So what's with the energy around them ? Turns out that it was their spiritual powers which have upgraded from masters to throne holders. They are now in the Awakening Mode.
Wait what does throne holders means ? How did they become Throne holders? Was this always within them ?
Lan Zhan / Lan Wang Ji: The light bearing lord (Yang energy) = Alpha.
Wei Ying / Wei wuxian : The Demonic King ( Yin energy ) = Omega
Their Love story in different universe will be embedded in the next book by this writer.*
Vote for the next chapter
Let me know what do you want in their different love story now ~

DESTINED : ( TIME TRAVEL ) Old Memories Made New
RomanceWangxian accidentally came back to the PAST while investing a mystery, but they couldn't remember anything from the future or even that they time travelled to the past. Two soul are now again seperated, will destiny join their paths again? Or it'll...