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*After the lectures*

Lan zhan approached Lady Jiang, wei wuxian's dearest ShiJie.

Lan approached and greeted,"Lady Jiang , may I ask you a favor?", YanLi greeted back and replied,"Sure, Lan er gongzhu".

As lan zhan was gonna come to the point why he needed Yanli's help , suddenly his lips were glued with hesitation.

He tried to speak but couldn't utter a single word because he was kinda afraid that Jiang Yanli won't accept him to be wei wuxian's boyfriend cause in those days Same-Sex relationships were just started and were normalised in many places except in the royal families.

It never happened in the royal Sects and Clans so most likely the clans & Sects members wouldn't accept it like the commoners.

Clans and sects mostly would have been against it because they're brain washed with their past generation beliefs that were forced on them considering it's not correct.

But it didn't hide the fact that Love is Genderless which followed by every person no matter commoners or royalties.

Lan zhan looked down for a few seconds and took a deep breath then quickly looked up making a eye contact with Jiang Yanli with confidence.

He didn't cared whether others are gonna accept or not but he cared about wei wuxian. He knew wei wuxian's strong bond with his peers and lan zhan didn't want to disrupt it.

Lan zhan confidently said,"It's about Wi Ying.....", Yanli smiled then replied,"Is it about your and A-xian feelings for eachother then i already know it"

Lan zhan was a little stunned that both him and wei wuxian made it so obvious that anyone could notice it.

Lan zhan asked,"Lady Jiang, with all due respect, may I ask how ?", Yanli replied,"It's obvious by observing how both of you look at eachother"

Lan zhan then asked with a hope,"Is it appealing to you, lady Jiang?",Yanli replied,"Love is a matter between two people and any third party shouldn't lay their opinions."

Yanli took a pause and stared at lan zhan then replied,"With all due respect if lan er gongzhu thinks that I'm narrow minded like others then it's a misunderstanding."

She continued,"Lan er gongzhu, Love is Genderless! Don't be afraid or ashamed of it. It can happen to anyone with anyone."

She further promised,"I, Jiang Yanli as the elder sister of Wei wuxian will always support both of you no matter what circumstances, I'll never betray my Little brother xian xian. I'm on both of your sides"

Lan zhan was stunned and overjoyed by the answer given by jiang Yanli .

Lan zhan replied back,"Thanks to the noble lad Jiang, I'll promise to help you out anytime no matter what circumstances"

Yanli turned back then went upto a tree . She turned and head back and gave a death stare then said fiercely, "If lan er gongzhu ever breaks the heart of my A-xian then I'll won't sit still. I hope Lan er gongzhu has fixed my words in his mind."

Lan zhan confidently spoke with his true heart,"The day i break Wei Ying's heart , i no longer deserve him. I know that day would never arrive as I Love him more than anything else and he's my ZhiJi."

Yanli felt that deep love for wei wuxian in lan zhan's words and she realised that lan zhan feelings are really strong.

Yanli also noticed how wei wuxian is around lan zhan and lan zhan's around wei wuxian.

She basically realised that they were made for eachother. Even if they don't know themselves.

Feeling extremely happy because lan zhan's the one for her 3 year old xian xian , she changed the topic,"So what favour does my little brother's Husband to be needs?"

Lan zhan's paused for a second to process that he was accepted as wei wuxian husband on spot.

Lan zhan bowed down and thanked Yanli,"I can't thank lady Jiang enough. Wei Ying is blessed to have a senior sister who loves him like her own little brother."

Yanli tried to stop lan zhan from bowing but failed. She further added,"And I'm blessed to have him as my Little brother in this lifetime. I hope that we'll meet eachother in every single lifetime."

Lan zhan asked the favour,"If lady Jiang won't mind then can she teach me how to Lotus ribs Soup ?."

Jiang Yanli smiled and teased,"Why is Lan er gongzhu so hurried in learning to become the perfect husband for my Xian Xian ?"

Lan zhan's ears turned slightly pink from embarrassment but it wasn't much noticable.

Jiang Yanli turned around and said,
"Would lan er gongzhu follow me for that ?", lan zhan nodded and replied,"Lead the way".


Yanli started to explain lan zhan about lotus selection. Then thought him to identify good and bad tasting lotus. She taught him further about how to cook delicious pork ribs and what seasoning to use plus the right amount of water.

She cooked the soup first then asked lan zhan to cook. Lan zhan on his first try mastered it stunning Yanli.

Yanli praised lan zhan,"Lan er gongzhu could be a good husband at this point"

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