Wangxian accidentally came back to the PAST while investing a mystery, but they couldn't remember anything from the future or even that they time travelled to the past.
Two soul are now again seperated, will destiny join their paths again? Or it'll...
After the lectures everyone went to their respective rooms and had their dinners then went to sleep in their respective rooms.
But lan zhan's plans were different from this routine.
After he made sure everyone was asleep he came out from his room and went straight to wei wuxian's room. 😏
Other the other hand, wei wuxian couldn't sleep because constant thoughts about lan zhan were popping in his head due to which he rubbed his face against the pillow whenever he thought about them having some soft& sweet innocent romantic times together.
(Bruhhhh....... he's really innocent unlike his husband who looks like a cold stone )
Lan zhan came to wei wuxian's room and he threw a rock inside his room to call him. Wei wuxian heard the sound of the rock and opened his balcony windows.
The corners of his lips curved upward immediately when he caught a sight of his ZhiJi ( A person who is more than soulmate)
Wei wuxian gave a bright smile first but then acted like he's annoyed by lan zhan waking him up. He just wanted to get more attention from lan zhan.
Lan zhan called him,"Wei Ying, Come down.",Wei wuxian who acted like he was annoyed quickly rushed down and was infront of lan zhan in a snap of a finger.
Wei wuxian hugged lan zhan before he could say anything. Wei wuxian said,"Lan zhan, I miss you".
Lan zhan was pleased after knowing that wei wuxian was patiently waiting for him with no anger but love for him and only him.
Wei wuxian broke the hug but lan zhan's hand was still on wei wuxian's waist. Lan zhan caressed wei wuxian's cheeks and said,"Let's have fun, shall we?"
Wei wuxian blushed and awkwardly reminded lan zhan,"lan zhannnn........ we're.......TEENAGERS."
Lan zhan looked at wei wuxian silently with his eyebrows slightly raised. He said,"Not that fun, Wei ying"
Wei wuxian got embarassed. He bet lan zhan's chest with his hand out of embarassment and argued back, "I'm not shameless! but the you say it is. It's YOUR fault lan zhan and not my mind's!"
Lan zhan smiled softly seeing wei wuxian get embarassed infront of him because for him wei wuxian looks addictively cute.
Lan zhan surendered,"Alight, it's my fault. Sorry", wei wuxian crossed his arms and looked away.
Lan zhan pouted a little. Wei wuxian looked at pouting lan zhan and giggled then stared at lan zhan with a big smile and affectionate eyes that were only for lan zhan.
Lan zhan asked,"Shall we leave ?", wei wuxian replied,"Yes but where?",lan zhan replied,"Just follow me", wei wuxian agreed.
Soon they reached a beautiful in the back of the hill where the moonlight was directly falling. There were beautiful flowers blooming and Bunnies all around with waterfall and cold river flowing and cool yet comfortable breeze blowing every second.
There were lanterns all around with rabbits drawn on them and a picnic blanket and a basket with familiar smell.
The scenerio was eternal. Wei wuxian was mesmerized to be able to see such beautiful scene with his ZhiJi. Wei wuxian was so caught on admiring the moon and all the other things.
Lan zhan went to a bamboo tree and cut out a piece then further carved it into a flute.
There was a cherry blossom tree near it where lan zhan's Guqin was kept. Lan zhan threw that flute towards wei wuxian who caught it with only one hand and smiled mischievously.
Lan zhan jumped where his guqin was kept and started playing it. Wei wuxian climbed the cherry blossom tree and sat on a branch with the best view then started playing his flute. They were playing their love song "WangXian/WuJi".
Out of nowhere, many fireflies came in and made this moment even more beautiful.
The whole time wei wuxian and lan zhan were looking at eachother's eyes with deep love which grew deeper every passing second and the romantic tension between between them rapidly increased.
After finishing their song, wei wuxian jumped down with sparkling eyes and lan zhan had a bright smile.
Lan zhan gave his hand out to wei wuxian to hold. Wei wuxian held lan zhan's hand and both of them tighten their grip.
They walked where the picnic blanket and basket was. They sat down and lan zhan opened the basket and took out Lotus Rib soup with Lotus pods and 2 jars of emperor's smile with other spices dishes.
Wei wuxian was overjoyed at the sight of his favourite dishes but then he asked lan zhan,"Lan zhan, where did you get Lotus ribs soup ?"
Lan zhan told the truth,"Wei ying, lady Jiang taught me how to cook it.", wei wuxian in confusion said,"Ahh?", lan zhan then started telling him the total story.
(This chapter is big so it's split into 3 parts )
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