I am coming to terms
With all the sides of me
The scattered pieces
The edges
The mess
The chaos
The storm
The fire
The tenderness
And i've come to the conclusion
That i love them all
I do not neglect
Any part of me
Because every cell
That makes me who i am
Is beautiful
And unique
And important
And so, so worthy of my love and care
Every side of me
Makes me who i am
Who i've been
And who i am
And what i'm becoming
I love it all
Because all
Is me
And i am beautiful
And magical
Type of beautiful
And i'm definetely
Here for it.
l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...