He needs love as much as i do
And when he will let me in
I will protect his heart with all that i have
I will take care of him
I will never give up on him
I want to be his safe place
His home
I want him to rest on my chest
And let him realize
He doesn't have to hide
Not with me
He can let his guard down
His walls shattered on the ground
His emotions can be seen
Because i will never take any of it for granted
I will never take his love for granted
Because i will keep it like a treasure
I will guard his heart
Like it is a shining diamond
Because that's what he is
My diamond ring
He doesn't have to do anything
To be loved by me
His existence
Is a miracle for me
So please
If you're listening to me
Let him know
That he can let me in
Because i want to show him
What unconditional love feels like
What eternity
Tastes like
I want to let him know
With me
He's safe
Because i have waited for him for too long
And i don't want to wait no more
So let him know
He can open up his heart
Because this time
It won't be broken
I want to heal every scars
I want to make him forget
About anyone before me
I want him to know
This love is true
My love for him is pure
Take his fears away
Let him know
This time
It's okay to open up
Because i want to make sure
He won't feel a single inch of pain ever again
I will kiss it all away
Let him know
He can show me his world
Because i will look at it with pure unconditional love.

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...