I just want you to know that i'm here
If you're losing you're breath for the tears
I will be ready to wipe them
I will be here to make you laugh
To see you smile
Is all i want
I want to crush all of your walls
Holding you gently
And never let go
Let you know
That you can rest
Safe on my chest
I will never do anything
To make you feel bad about yourself
I will never say anything
That hurts your feelings
Because i know
You're deep as the sea
Even if you hide behind a fake shallow surface
I know what's there
You can't hide your soul from my eyes
Because i can read you like an open book
Your scars are mine
Let me help you healing them, if you want to
Just if you want to
I won't cross your lines
But i'm kinda reaching mines
Because these days i've been feeling
Love isn't for someone like me
But babe, can't you see
You are the star i wished upon for my whole life
So how can you say
I will walk away
When i can't believe you're really there
In front of me
Sounds so clear to me
That you're the one for me
Why can't you see?
I'm just waiting for you to say
Come over
And i will
Swim oceans
Cross mountains
Why can't you see
See yourself through my eyes
If you will
All your fears will disappear
I swear
I swear
I'm here
Are you there?
Can you show me you're there
For real
And i'm not just wishing in vain
I just want to let you know
In case it wasn't clear
I'm yours
You're mine
So please
Show me this love exists
And that is mine
Mine to keep
For eternity

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...