Even when my heart is bleeding
It still finds a way of beating
Is this bravery
Or naivety?
Is this something i should be proud of?
Cause sometimes
I feel like
I'm on a tight rope
But somehow
My faith is bigger
Than the void under me
I wish
I wasn't born like this
Because when i feel something
I feel it completely
My emotions are extreme
Even when i don't feel anything
I feel it deep inside me
Is this a punishment or a gift?
This question haunts me
Since i can remember
Since i was a kid
And people used to tell me
I wasn't meant to say everything that went on in my mind
And i couldn't believe
Why it was so strange to be true
Why it was something i should have kept private
Why should i hide the truth?
To make you feel good about yourself?
Well i'm sorry i've learned my lessons
I was always the one who couldn't be anything but herself
Despite what others thought about it
I intend to always be true to myself
Even when nobody understands
Because that's what i am
I am sorry if it's too much for you
Please, go find less
Because i won't be quiet
I won't be good
I'm this beautiful
Because i am true
And i know, yes i know
This will trigger a lot of unhealed people around the globe
But i won't care about your projections
Go heal yourself
I did it already
My authenticity will automatically repell your bad vibes
I only attract what's meant to be mine
So sorry, babe i can't deny
I kinda like it when i make you mad
Because it means i'm shining my brighest
And lately the only opinion i care about, is mine
So honestly i don't care what you think about my hair
Or whatever you said
I wasn't listening
So i guess
Go find someone who's less

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...