Why Me?!?!

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Your P.O.V~
"Hi sweetie, how was your day at school?" Mother asked in the kitchen. I stayed quite and walked upstairs to my room. I throw my backpack on the floor and jump on my bed and started to cry. I hate my life, my dad is gone, he left me and mom on our own. We were forced to live on the streets for most of my childhood and when we finally had enough money mom spent it all for me to go to a hellhole called school. Since I started later than everyone else I was an outcast, and it didn't take long for the whole school to find out I lived of the streets. Not only that, I suffer from way way WAY too many disorders from, bipolar disorder to OCD. Name it, I have it oh and I also twitch a lot, so you all now how well that works out in a school environment. I don't even step foot into the cafeteria. I always climb a giant oak tree that is planted next to the school auditorium. I don't eat at school nor do I eat a lot in general. Ever since we came here life has been hell. And sometimes...I feel like I'm the one to blame. I feel so alone...it hurts. I hear mom call me for dinner. I twitchingly go downstairs and help mom set up the table.

"(Y/N) be a dear and get the plates from the counter." Mom said. I walk to the counter and see an envelopes on the counter. I reach out for one and open it. It read:

To (Mother's/Name)(M/N)(L/N),
Your house will be stripped from your ownership if you do not reach the quota of $8,000,000 by the end of this month. Your daughter (Y/N)(M/N)(L/N) will be placed in an orphanage until that quota is met.

-Morgage comp.

I open another one:

You should have known better than to avoid me! I'm coming for you!


"M-mother, what are t-these? Who's Z? Am I-I really leaving?" I cracked my head slightly to the left. My mom walked to me and ducked down to put her hands on my shoulders.

"Sweetie, I need you to hide in your room. Mommy needs to go somewhere." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks. I look at her and slightly twitch.

"W-where? W-why can't I-I come? When w-will you c-come back?" I asked twitching more and more at each question. She kissed my forehead and looked into my (E/C) eyes. I look into hers.

"Baby, you must go now....I-I'm sorry." At that moment I hear a loud knock on the door along with loud yelling on the other side. It sounded like it was calling for my mom. It didn't take long for mom to shove me up the stairs and locked my door from the outside. I bang and yell through the door.

"MOM!!! LET ME OUT!!!! YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER US THE LOCK ON ME!!!! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!!!!" Oh yeah did I mention my room has only one window and is super small and I'm clastrophobic. I lean against the door and shutter cracking my head in different angles. I heard a female yell followed by silents. I get worried and hear big loud footsteps...to loud to be mom. I back away and look for a place to hide. I whimper since the only place is my mahogany closet. I look back at the door and the closet. I close my eyes and run into the closet. The door bursts open and I see a man walk in. He was wearing a suit that is red at the left side and black on the right. I figget at the thought of what the red stuff is on his suit. The footsteps get louder and louder. I close my eyes and turn my head slightly asto not make any loud noises. He turns around and walks away. As soon as he left completely I sigh and jump out my closet. My bedroom door is open and I go downstairs. What I saw changed everything in me forever. My mothers dismembered body laid in a blood puddle on the ground. A knife was sticking out what I presume is what's left of her back with a note tied to it. The note read:

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now