2 days later
Tierra POV
I walked in the house high as shit I just had Zo drop me off after a hotbox session. I needed this shit.
I went to the kitchen to find some snacks. I grabbed me two caprisuns and I grabbed me a pudding cup.
"Tierra what the hell you doing coming in this late" I heard.
I looked up and my mom was coming down the stairs with a robe and bonnet on.
"G chill I was at the park around the corner" I said.
"Doing what that got you coming in my house at 11 at night" she said.
I closed the fridge and went to grab a spoon.
"Tierra I know you hear me talking to you" she said.
"Yea and I'm trying to figure out why you still ain't notice I'm ignoring you" I said opening my pudding cup before it went flying out my hand.
I laughed and looked at her "there she is" I said nodding.
She pointed her finger in my face "no you ain't see shit yet and what the fuck is this" she said as she opened a drawer and threw 4 stacks at me.
"What you doing in my shit" I said picking up my money.
"No what the fuck is you doing brining in that kind of money in my fucking house" she said and stepped to me.
"I wouldn't need to if you would've left me where I was at" I said looking at her.
My mom was pretty tall and so was I but she still had me by a few inches.
She grabbed my face and held it up "I will fuck you up. I'm trying to let you have your space and shit but you not about to keep disrespecting me" she said.
I just looked at her and she let my face go.
"The next time you come here after curfew your ass will sleep on the other side of that door" she said.
"Every time you come around it's always some shit I ain't ask to be here ma" I yelled.
She looked at me.
"Lower your voice while your sister up there sleep" she said.
"I don't give a fuck I'm tired of being the one to make the changes to accommodate everyone else. She only think so highly of you because we ain't never tell her what yo crack headed ass was really doing.
Worried about where I'm at; at night I'm not the one that was selling pussy for some change" I said.
I held my cheek after she slapped me across it.
"Get the fuck out my house" she yelled.
"Should've never came in the bitch in the first place" I said.
I left the money on the counter.
"And get this money" she said as I was walking out.
I looked back at her and looked around the house "you could use it more than me" I said and walked out the house slamming the door.
I was so hot I just started walking down the sidewalk. My car was in the shop for the next few days so I couldn't even drive to my place.
I tried Mac but he was out working I tried Zo and his ass was probably sleep. Trinity and Toya definitely wasn't about to answer.
I thought about just walking to my apartment.
My phone started ringing and it was Taj. I thought about rejecting it but at least since I was about to walk I could have someone on the phone with me.