Chapter 10: Home

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1 week later

Tierra POV

I walked into the main office holding my book bag.

"Hi Tierra principal Mackintosh will see you in her office" mrs Emily the front desk lady said.

I nodded and went to the office. I looked around confused and saw my mom, Mrs Josie our social worker, Mika and the principal.

"Hi Tierra have a seat" the principal said so I did.

"Tierra you know we have been looking for you and your sister for nearly two years now" mrs Josie said.

I looked at her won't my fault they didn't do their job well.

"We've been good" I said.

"Yea so I see where have y'all been staying because on your school records it shows your aunts address but your aunt says you moved out a while ago" she said.

"Mika didn't tell y'all" I said wanting to see what they knew.

"She says that she doesn't know anything she just goes to school everyday and cheer practice" mrs Josie said.

I internally smiled I knew my sister wouldn't fold.

"We've been staying with a friend I won't finna keep having me and my lil sister house hop and things just keep getting worse" I said.

"We'll where is this place" mrs Josie asked. "And who is this friend?"

"Now with all do respect I'm not telling y'all. If y'all can't figure that out on your own then you don't need to know" I said.

"Tierra" my mom said.

I ignored her she couldn't tell me shit.

Mrs Josie sighed.

"Well a judge has granted your mother back her custody so you need to get your stuff from this friend so you all can go home" she said.

I blew my breath "home" I said rolling my eyes.

"Excuse me" she said confused.

"When we gotta be there by" I asked.

"Today, I'm here to take you all their and to inspect the house" mrs Josie said.

"I got y'all room set up and everything" my mom said.

I looked at her fighting the urge to roll my eyes. "Well let's go because I got stuff to do" I said.

"What do you mean" mrs Josie asked.

"I've been doing hair to fend for me and my sister" I said the last part looking at my mom.

"Well that's good I hope you put some thought in to making it a legitimate career" mrs Josie said and I looked at her.

"Yea" I said lowly.

She thanked the principal and we left out. My mom held Mika's hand like she was a baby. We walked to mrs Josie's truck.

Me and Mika got in the back and my mom sat shotgun. We drove out to the outskirts of the projects to some brick buildings.

I read the neighborhood sign "villa heights" I read.

"Yes it's actually a nice community everyone is so friendly out here" Mrs Josie said.

I watched my surroundings we were sitting smack dead in the middle of the west and south side and about 15 minutes away from my apartment.

We parked along side a curb and got out. My mom leading the way into the building.

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