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This chapter is about Heeseung and Jungwon, if you want to skip you can, it won't really affect the plot of the story :)

Jungwon placed the items on the counter, digging his pocket to pull out a few bills. "Will that be all?" The cashier asked, checking out the items and placing them in a bag. The other shook his head, throwing a brisk smile at the lady working at the counter. "It's pretty late, you should be careful," he told her. She looked up, a little surprised by the courtesy. "Ah, thank you for worrying about me, but I'll be alright. My boyfriend picks me up everyday after work," she said with a thin smile. The boy nodded in acknowledgement and waved the lady goodbye before walking out of the store.

To his horror, he saw someone standing by the benches, leaning on the light post staring right at Jungwon. What in the fucking hell? What's this bastard doing here?! He stood there in shock, hands busied with the bag. The older seemed to have noticed the adamant shock plastered all over Jungwon's face and smirked, standing straight and tracing footsteps over the younger boy.

"You know how long I waited here for you to be done?" His voice broke through the silence, alarming Jungwon a little. He wasn't gonna lie, he was a tad bit scared.

Jungwon rubbed his nape awkwardly, staring off to the side. "Sir, what are you doing here?" he asked. Heeseung didn't respond and continued to stare down at the smaller. His eyes darted to the bag the younger was holding and pulled it away from his grip, securing it into his own. Jungwon looked at him in confusion, throwing a glance at the bag and then back up at Heeseung.

"I'll drop you home. Come on." Heeseung spoke, placing a hand over his shoulder. "Oh! Don't worry, sir. I can take the bus." The taller raised his brow, not pleased with the answer. "I said I can take you home; why bother taking the bus and waiting 15 minutes."

Jungwon rubbed his arm and stared at the ground. Truth to be told, he still couldn't face the older properly, not after what he had done. These past few days, he'd try his best to avoid him at all costs--- today, especially was better than others since Heeseung was busy all day. Being in the car alone with Heeseung sounded like a nightmare to the younger; he knew he'd have to apologize, properly, if he didn't want to risk losing his job. He sighed, looking up.

"Sir, it's quite alright," Jungwon insisted and Heeseung clicked his tongue. "Just come on, stop making me repeat myself." He walked away, leaving Jungwon behind. The other had no choice but to follow him, after all, he was carrying the stuff he had just brought. I could've run off... fuck.

He sat in the passenger seat, buckling himself. Heeseung followed suit, placing the bag into Jungwon's lap as he entered the car key, starting the engine. He threw a glance at the smaller, who didn't dare meet his eyes and stared out the window. A bitter feeling sunk into his chest as he buckled up.

Heeseung drove off, mindlessly staring at the road. He didn't know where to start—where to bring anything up—so he stared ahead, waiting for Jungwon to do something. It had been a minute since they had drove, and Jungwon wanted to dig his grave inside the ground, right now. He knew if he'd mistakenly glanced at the older beside him, something would go wrong; he would slip up—throwing fumbled words here and there—stuttering—and saying whatever comes to his mind. So, in conclusion, he was a clutz.

"What's so interesting about the road outside?" Heesung muttered, glancing at the boy. Jungwon turned his head around, startled. "Oh—no—nothing. I'm just tired."

"Today was a busy day, huh?" the older asked, a small smile decorating his lips. Jungwon smiled awkwardly, nodding passively. "I didn't get to see you today," he added, eyes still focusing on the road.

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