New Kids in Town

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Snakeweed howls as Kaida, Leo, and Raph chase after him. Donnie and Mikey land in front of him, making him turn around and run a different way. He growls as he kidnaps the pizza guy that was in front of him.

"No!" Mikey calls out in despair, "Not the pizza guy! Take Donnie!"

Donnie glares over at him, "Snakeweed's getting away!"

"Somebody help me!" the pizza guy calls out as Snakeweed ducks into an alley.

Leo halts the group, "We've got him trapped."

"Good. Then let's go weed-whacking!" Raph takes out his sais.

Donnie takes out his staff, "Tree-trimming!"

"Gardening!" Mikey calls out, "Boom! Ha ha! Oh, yeah. Mikey put the sprinkles on that sundae."

Raph sighs, "Let's go!" he goes to move forward, but his brother stops him.

"Hang on, Raph. We're not charging a 12-foot, regenerating mutant." Leo told him.

"Then what are we doing?"

We'll take Snakeweed from above, tie him up in the clotheslines. Come on." Leo starts climbing the building.

"Sounds like a plan." Kaida climbs up after him.

"That'll take forever, and we have to stop Snakeweed now!" Raph complains, "I mean, he's kidnapping people."

"Not just people! People who bring pizza!" Mikey adds.

"So, Leonardo gives an order and all you can do is complain?" Kaida raises an eyebrow as she continues climbing.

"We take him from above. Let's move!" Leo repeats sternly as his brothers follow after him. He whispers when the five near the edge of the roof, "On my count. One, two..." they peer over the edge to see that Snakeweed and the pizza guy had disappeared, "Where'd he..."

Kaida looks down towards the alley, " did he escape?"

"And the award for worst leader goes to-"

"How am I the worst leader?"

"If we did this my way, Snakeweed would be toast by now!" Raph argues, Kaida rolls her eyes at him.

"Ugh. That'd be some nasty toast." Mikey comments as Donnie moves him out of the way off the argument that was ensuing.

"This way would've worked if you hadn't wasted time second-guessing my orders." Leo told his brother.

"Don't give bad orders, and I won't second-guess 'em!"

"Since when do you not second-guess his orders?" Kaida cuts in, "All you ever do is complain."

"Hey, name one time other than this!" Raph points at her.

Kaida crosses her arms, "Does the first time we fought the Purple Dragons and Leonardo showed mercy to one ring any bells for you?"

"At least I don't follow all of Leo's orders all the time like some teacher's pet!"

"At least I am dedicated to my training unlike you, ninja dropout."

Mikey and Donnie gasp at this.

"Ninja dropout?!" Raph gets close to her face.

"Did I stutter, Raphael? I bet that you can't even handle the responsibility and burden of being a leader." Kaida crosses her arms, "You won't even last a day."

"Oh, like you would know!" Raph points at her, Kaida biting her tongue to keep quiet.

"You know what, Raph? If you think you could do better, why don't you lead?" Leo chimes in.

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