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The Turtles and Kaida dodge the Kraang as they were getting fired at.

"Keep moving. Don't let them surround you." Leo commands, "Failure is not an option."

"Aye, Captain!" Kaida does a playful salute as she performs a backflip to dodge a laser fired at her, making Leo smile.

"Technically, failure is always an option." Donnie points out.

Raph runs next to him, "You know what else is an option? Slapping you!"

The two break off when being fired upon.

"Mikey! On the right!" Donnie calls out.

"Your right or my right?" Mikey asks.

"It's the same thing!" Kaida calls out to him as he dodges a laser.

Donnie hits a Kraang over the head, not inflicting any damage, "Are you kidding me? I hate this thing!"

The Kraang turns to fire at him when Raph impales it in the head with his sai, knocking it down.

"Nice work. When we're done here, there's a marching band that needs a majorette."

Leo leaps off a pillar and slices a Kraang to pieces as Raph runs up a different pillar and stabs a Kraang in the shoulders to deactivate it.

Kaida leaps up onto a Kraang's shoulders and snaps its head off, flipping backwards off of it to knock it down.

"Kraang, the present is being a positive time to be the testing of the energy cannon."

The Kraang open a door to reveal a giant cannon.

"Everyone stand your ground!" Leo commands before the machine starts humming, he, his brothers, and Kaida's eyes widen, "On second thought, run!"

The Kraang pushes a button and fires at them, the five dodging the first laser. Mikey leaps over one, Raph dodging another as Leo flips over one. Kaida simply moves to the side quickly as Donnie ducks, his staff getting torn apart.

"Oh, come on!"

"Dude, your weapon just exploded!" Mikey points in amusement.

"Way to state the obvious, Michelangelo." Kaida ducks behind some boxes as Donnie does the same.

"How am I supposed to fight advanced alien technology with a stupid stick?" Donnie wonders before throwing the staff away as his brothers take out some more Kraang with their weapons. They back away towards the windows and take defensive stances as the cannon hums up again.

"Kraang, destroy those who call themselves the Turtles when that which is the signal is the signal that is given by me!"

Kaida takes a kunai. She throws it and it ricochets off a pillar and a forklift before jamming itself into a button, activating the forklift as it runs the Kraang and the energy cannon into the wall, causing a slight explosion.

"Nice one, Kai!" Mikey exclaims.


Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Kaida escape through the window.

"Dumb luck." Raph comments.

"Wasn't luck, my friend. And dumb had nothing to do with it." Leo told him.

Donnie grunts as he struggles to get something through the window. He turns to the others, "Hey. Give me a hand with this."

"A hand with what?" Leo asks as Donnie's eyes shift around.

"Donatello." Kaida crosses her arms, "What is it?"

"Uh, oh!" Mikey exclaims in a teasing way, "Kai has the mom expression!"

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