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As we promised, we met them for lunch at another animal restaurant theme. Peter texted us to tell us the Rainforest restaurant was no longer in business. We went to a newly opened restaurant. We all decided the service was good but the food wasn't. We would not return their again. We each wrote a review on yelp on the great service and decor but the food wasn't good and not to waste your money. Whomever was in charge of yelp reviews must of been reading the reviews. Within fifteen minutes are reviews was removed. Julian and Lisa immediately got onto social media sites and wrote bad reviews. They could or Facebook employees could be the only ones to remove their reviews. None of us ate much of our food so we walked and ate clam chowder. Side salad and lobster with a nice glass of wine at a seafood restaurant on the wharf. This food was delicious and the service was excellent. Julian and Liz paid for our dinners and left a nice tip. We all use the restroom before we leave. We walk and stop at several side walk vendors. Lisa and Liz bought a few gifts. We all walked to Ghirardelli square. We buy our sweets. Lisa stops at one of the jewelry stores when she sees a lovely gemstone necklace. She goes in while we waited for her. She comes out and tells us she is now done shopping for Taylor for Christmas. We catch the trolley back to where we left our hummer at. The others walked to a parking garage to get to theirs. While on the trolly, we decided to go to bar and drink some beer and play a few games of billiards before we go back to the Marriott Hotel to change to workout in the fitness room.  We are done working out and our cellphones rings as we are wiping the sweat off our exposed skin. We both answered the conference call.  The director is in the hospital and can barely speak . We are definitely concerned and go to the restroom for it to be quieter. She tells us not to come to the Sacramento clinic.  There is a wide outbreak of covid. 99% of the employees are out with a variation of covid. The one percent is working on sanitizing the clinic and/or catching up on filing and emails. We asked her what we can do. She tells us to pray for them all and not come. We wish her well. We make several calls to our other clinics and tell them not to travel to our Sacramento and why.  One director from Los Angeles said she was on her way but got the email.  She is at the airport waiting for a flight back to Los Angeles.  We both suggested to her she stay a few days in Sacramento and enjoy it. She agrees, and we end the call.
Since we are in the women's restroom,  we use the facilities, wash and dry our hands.  We exit the restroom and toss the towel in the soiled container.

"Cindy and I got a call from the Sacramento director.  99% of the employees are sick with covid. She is in the hospital and others have variations of it. The other one percent are sanitizing the facility, answering emails and/or filing. Our Los Angeles director was notified while she was still in the airport in Sacramento.  She was trying to get the next flight out. We suggested she stay in Sacramento and enjoy it. We won't be going to Sacramento after all. We can stay here in the Bay area and enjoy more time here. We should probably go take a shower.  We know we are funky."

We are so we make our way in the elevator to get in. It opens and we get in.  We have to wait to get off. It stopped at two other floors before it got to ours. We finished our water and exit the elevator. We all make our ways to our rooms. Cindy opens the room and Lisa closes the door after placing the gadget in the door jam. We go to our rooms to take much needed showers. Once we are done, we are in our pajamas. Cindy calls Peter on his room landline, and I call Liz and Julian's room on their landline. Liz answers it. I tell her we are going to stay in our room for the rest of the night.  The rain and wind is too much and we don't want to go out in this weather. We end our calls.

"My brother said good. He will eat something and go downstairs for dinner." " Liz said she and Julian will order room service. Cindy why don't we get a fire going and watch a movie. Lisa should be done by now."

Lisa comes out of her bedroom and tells us Taylor and a few others on our property have the flu, RSV or covid. We decided to stay longer in California.  I know my nephew is training for a marathon in Sacramento with David. We could go see the marathon but wear masks to try to prevent us from catching anything.  The fireplace feels good. We place blankets on the floor and some pillows. Lisa go gets her king size comforter and brings it back.  We all lay down and we use the comforter to cover us up.  We decided on mystery movie to watch.

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