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On our second mystery movie, we fell asleep and slept until the next day. We all get up.  Cindy uses the remote to turn the TV . We all go to our rooms to change and leave to go downstairs to have breakfast. We joined the other three and told them we slept and didn't eat dinner.  Julian laughs and said they did too. Peter was the only one who ate dinner last night. We left to go to San Jose to go shopping.  Peter,  Julian, and Liz still weren't done. The three of us just went along to get out of the hotel and get some exercise in by walking.  The way my brother and Liz were talking,  we knew we would be doing a lot of walking.  While Cindy followed their hummer,Lisa called to see how Taylor was doing. Lisa tried to reassure her to take the medicine, eat, and stay hydrated so she could get better.  Lisa had ordered from a local grocery store the Sam's what we had done for the others on our property.  The only ones who were not sick were our security.  Cindy told them to wear masks and spray when  they came in contact left. We didn't want them sick, too. Julia and I sent flowers to our Sacramento director and reassured our employees that them being sick wouldn't be used against them. Several texted us thanking us.  We finally arrived at a shopping center that had several stores that sold clothing. We parked and got out. We followed them and helped them with their lists. When we were done in each store,  we placed the purchases in the hummers. We ended up helping them shop for a few hours.  We stopped at a restaurant. The food was delicious.  They paid for our lunch and tip, too. We all used the restroom before we left. We knew we would be in traffic for a while, which we were. We made it to the clinic and placed everything in the hangar. Peter locked the hangar up.  It was dinner time, and we drove to China town to eat at a well-known Chinese restaurant.  The food was on point. We all left tips and paid for our own. We walked around China town. Lisa had us stop in a store that sold martial arts equipment. She said some of the training equipment needed to be replaced.  She chose what needed to be replaced and we bought it with cash. Lisa bought some throwing stars for herself. We asked why.  She explained to us all that stars don't make sounds when used until your target is hit especially when people are asleep.  She uses these to kill wild animals that come on our property. She bought enough for Alexa and  Jaime too, since they lived across from us. She was teaching them how to throw them since having a silencer on a gun and rifle was illegal. We knew all of them including our security used bows and arrows. We finally returned back to the hangar by ourselves.   Lisa got out and unlocked one door. She slides it opened and placed the purchases in the hangar by her other stuff. She closes the door and locks it. She gets back into our hummer.  We left. We all were done shopping. We headed to go back to the Marriott Hotel.  Cindy handed the valet employee the keys and was handed a ticket. We went inside and went to the bar for a few drinks before we went upstairs  to have a threesome where we left the blankets, pillows and comforter at.  Cindy turned the fire place on and Lisa had turned the heater to a lower temperature. We fell asleep.

The following morning,  we woke up and showered after having more coitus. We were enjoying our time in having coitus with Lisa.  She said she and Taylor were missing us too. We packed our bags and checked out on the TV. We left our key cards on the coffee table and left. We made our way to the elevator and enter it once it opened.  The door closes.  Julia pushed the button for the first floor. We make our way to have breakfast in the restaurant with the others.  Our breakfast was tasty. We all paid and left tips. We all took turns using the restroom so our luggage wouldn't be alone.  Peter and Cindy handed the valet employees the tickets to the hummers.  When they arrive they tip them,  we load our luggage. Lisa and Liz are driving the hummers. We stop at the gas station to fill them up. Traffic was backed up. We finally arrive at the clinic. We get our luggage out and entered our clinic.  Liz and Lisa hands the keys to the receptionist.  Cindy tells the receptionist to please call the rental company to get the keys. We tell our employees we see goodbye and to enjoy the upcoming holidays.  They same the same. We are in the elevator to go to the roof. It doesn't take us long. We are in the hangar loading our luggage first than the all the bags from purchases. Julia states she will fly us
to Sacramento. We all get in except for Peter.   Julia flies the helicopter out of the hangar and we all wait for Peter to close the hangar and locl it. He gets in and closes the door. He hands me the key. We are now in the air flying to Sacramento to see our nephew run in the marathon tomorrow.  Liz and Lisa call enterprise to have  twosuvs at the airport this morning by ten.  We are talking about various topics as we are in the air.  Julia gets permission to land by the gas station to have the helicopter filled up. She checks the fluids.  Cindy and Lisa fill up the fluids.  Julia pays for it all.  We all are back in the helicopter.  Julia flies low to one of the hangars we rent when we come.  The doors are open.  She flies inside. She turns off the motor and the propellers eventually stop. We all get out with our luggage and a few expensive purchases. Liz, and Lisa  go get the keys to the suvs. They bring them back. We load everything up. Julia tells us all she booked us a hotel by old Sacramento.  We can walk from their to the capital when it's the race day to see Pablo and David finish.  Lisa,  Julian and Peter are the drivers.  We go with Lisa. It takes us over thirty minutes to arrive at the hotel.  Lisa and Liz receive tickets for the keys.  We all make our way to check in. We rented three room like last time.  We get our key cards and make our way to the two floors we are on. Our floor is the first one.  We get off and tell the others we will meet them downstairs in an hour so we can go to old Sacramento for lunch.  We entered the suite and go unpack.  Lisa said she is using the safe to lock up her expensive jewelry. We sit and relax a while drinking from the refrigerator some juice. We use the restroom before we leave in our coats, beanies, scarves and gloves. We only have our coats on. We enter the elevator and go to the first floor. We sit in the lobby waiting for the others.  They arrive and we leave wearing our winter attire. It's not supposed to rain while we are here. Its very cold and windy. We finally make it to old Sacramento and stop at the candy store. We all buy our favorites and leave. We enter the Old Fire house restaurant . We wait over twenty minutes for a table. Peter tells the hostess we will be in the bar area waiting for our table. We removed our beanies, gloves and scarves. We place them all in our coat pockets.   We find two tables and we pushed two tables  and move four chairs. They all ordered coffee and I ordered a cup of hot tea. We wait and talk about what we want to do in Sacramento. Our beverages arrive.  We all paid so we don't have to worry them to transfer the tab to our lunch tab. No tip was given. We drink our beverages. The hostess calls Julian's name.  We get up and follow the hostess to our table. We remove our coats and placed them on the back of our chairs. Us women sit. Rhe men push our chairs in closer to the tables before they sit. We thank them. The hostess  tells us a waitress will be over shortly.  She leaves us with menus, napkins with silverware wrapped inside the napkin. We all review the menu.  The waitress takes our beverage and food order. She leaves. 

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