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My legs dangled over the roof of the school as the wind swirled through my annoyingly wavy hair. It wasn't the beautiful waves that every pretty girl my age had. No, it looked like I had awkward bumps in my hair in every weird place possible. I was already late to school, so I slipped on a random pair of converse and started sprinting to my stupid school because a) I missed the bus, b) my car broke down earlier in the week because of my random need to go to Burger King in the middle of the night, and c) if I didn't run as fast as Sonic the hedgehog, Mr. Butler would have my head on a stick or my butt mounted above his whiteboard.

I nibbled on my ham and cheese sandwich I literally made two minutes ago from the supplies in my backpack. I really was running tardy so I shoved half a loaf of bread, ham from the fridge, and a whole pack of cheddar cheese. It wasn't a bad idea because I was already on my third sandwich from missing breakfast. I should bring my whole kitchen next time.

My gaze traveled down at the students below me. The difference between them and me is the fact that they actually have friends to eat with at the moment. My best friend decided to eat in the library so he could finally finish the project he's been working on since it was assigned two periods ago. He was a nerd with his turtle framed glasses and strict schedule, but he is still one of the coolest people I know. Lindsay, the only girl who actually enjoyed my annoying company, had another group of friends she doesn't see during the other parts of the day. So I watched her sit and laugh with her other group of friends below. It wasn't hard to miss her when you can see her neon green head from four stories high. She couldn't see me so I stuck out my tongue at her to get a little bit of satisfaction.

"Who are you doing that to?"

I screamed louder than I should have and dropped my sandwich. But not on the roof, no. It fell from my grip and fell four floors down onto a random group of freshman's table. I squeal and rolled my body quickly off the ledge and onto the ground of the roof before any of them could look up and wonder why a sandwich randomly fell from the sky. It could have been like the movie, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Aw, I miss that movie.

Cautiously, I pivot my head to see Ashton, the nerd and the best friend, giggling as I lied on the cold concrete smiling to myself. "I was doing it to Lindsay because she didn't eat lunch with me today," I shrugged, still lying on the cold, hard ground. I was okay with her having other friends, but she was the only female friend I have. Plus, I'm really clingy and that's one characteristic of myself that makes me cringe.

Ashton frowned at me, grabbed my hand and hauled me up to his body. The top of my head just reached his chin. "She just has other friends, Kendall," Ashton defended while he rummaged through my backpack and making himself a sandwich without my consent.

"That statement is so invalid due to the fact that you're basically in love with her," I scoffed, crossing my arms and snatching the good looking sandwich from Ash's eerily long fingers. His hazel eyes widened at the words that left my mouth while I munched on the sandwich. He made me drop my sandwich so now I'll take his.

Ashton stole back the food and took a bite of it, not caring that I also was eating it. Even if there was still more supplies for one more sandwich, we were both too lazy to make another. "Stop," Ashton whined. "Don't say that."

"But it's so cute Ashton."


"I ship it."

"No, don't use your fangirl terms on m-"

"OTP," I chant numerous amounts of time before Ashton grabs the lunch from my hands that I took when he didn't realize. He quickly threw the remaining amount of sandwich at my face and I only laugh loudly, causing him to laugh along with me.

I started to clean up the supplies. Once I was finished, I swung my backpack over my shoulder and started my way to the doors that led to the stairwell. Ashton was in step with me as we jogged down the stairs to our lockers.

"Why does it matter so much to you that Lindsay has other friends? You have other friends too from that fan page you do," Ashton asks as he watched me open my locker and shove my backpack inside. I retrieve a few of my textbooks.

"Well, I really want a friend who's like here, and likes what I like, and I can talk to without having a stupid screen dividing us," I sigh sadly, slamming my locker. We both started walking to Ashton's locker which was around the corner.

As he started to unlock his locker and neatly put everything in the right spot, I leaned against the metal doors, thinking about how much I'd love to meet my friends who lived thousands of miles away from me. "Why don't we hang out afterschool then? Without  screen dividing us and we could pretend that I don't have a d.ick for a night and you can be as girly as possible," Ash suggested, a warm smiling tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Can't, my mom set me up for a babysitting job because I'm always complaining about not having enough money for One Direction tickets," I laughed. Ashton nodded his head, understanding why my mother is annoyed with my complaints.

"Alright, well-" Ashton's books slammed onto the ground while a boy dressed in an outfit that screamed a.sshole laughed at Ashton who quickly bent down to get his books.

I angrily glare at Calum, the boy who never fails to annoy every single nerve in my body. He thinks he's so high and mighty by stepping on the people he thinks are below him. If anything, he's at the bottom for being so rude to innocent kids who are already having a hard time. He always shoves Ash into the lockers, leaving bruises on his arm. He would constantly bully Ashton for being a thousand times smarter than he could ever be. Also, he never leaves Lindsay alone for just being herself. She loves her piercings and her oddly colored hair. Lindsay loves being herself and Calum and his posse just brings her self-esteem ten feet underground.

Calum continues to laugh as he strolls down the corridor with his equally as rude friends. I would love to tell him off for being a horrible person to my two friends. Instead, I help Ash pick up his books and keep my mouth shut.


idk if that sucked or not. it seems a little rushed. but thanks for reading and don't forget to vote&comment xx

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