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"I am going to murder Ashton Irwin!" Lindsay screamed as she paced around my room, her bright blue ponytail swaying back and forth vigorously. "He is so fucking oblivious to everything and everyone around him."

I cocked my eyebrow as I flipped the page on my book, not actually reading but pretending that I truly wasn't interested in Lindsay's ranting. In reality, I was trying to soak up all the information like a sponge and squeeze out all the dirt I picked up about her to Ashton, like a good friend should. If Calum was ever to get annoyed with me and talk to Ashton about it, all of the secrets would be reported back to me. That's why Ashton's hair is so big and curly—it's full of secrets.

Chortling to myself at my Mean Girls reference, I turned another page. If only I could actually read this fast, but sadly I'm just faking it.

"Why are you laughing?!" Lindsay cried out in utter misery. I widened my eyes at her outburst. "You're not even reading. That book is upside down!"

Sure enough, the book was upside down. I cursed. Throwing it on my bedroom floor carelessly, I crossed my legs into a "criss-cross-applesauce" position and leaned forward to rest my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Okay, what's the matter? Why do you care so much that Ashton wants to ask that Brielle girl to prom?"

Her eyes bug out on me, becoming so impossibly wide that the whites of her eyes looked as if it was about to overrule her pupils and irises. Lindsay's eye twitched in the most unattractive way, causing me to uncross my legs and wrap myself in the fuzzy blanket beside me. She was started to give me the creeps and she was probably ready to rip out her nose piercing and stab me in the eye with it.

"For the love of God, I thought it was pretty obvious that I liked Ashton!"

I screeched and Lindsay covered her ears as she watched my body roll off of the bed, startling my dog who was napping on the ground. Reaching for my phone on the nightstand, her mouth immediately dropped as if she knew what I was doing.

"Kendall, stop!" she shrieked while she dove for my spazzing body on the carpeted floor. My fingers grazed the phone screen before a felt a body plop itself down on my back and pull my arms to restrain me.

Beau, my dog, growled at Lindsay who was trying to shoo him away by using one hand to hold me down and the other to throw a ball towards the other side of the room. He complied, chasing after the ball and making me groan in utter frustration because he was my only hope of breaking free.

"Linds, I am not kinky. Get off of me you animal!"

I wildly thrash my legs around, hoping to kick her in the head. She didn't budge and it made me wonder what the hell does she eat? or who the fuck taught her how to pin a person down?

"Promise you won't tell him," she said, pulling my arms back farther. The pain was unbearable so I had no choice but to tap out, so that's what I did. I promised, and Ashton's probably going to commit homicide when he realizes I knew that Lindsay liked him all along.


"Where's Calum?" Michael asked randomly as I attempted to unlock my locker for the second time. The rustiness from my lock should be fixed, but I've been too lazy (and mostly broke) to buy a new one. Gasping in surprise when my locker door swung open, I started to exchange my books in Maths for my Anatomy textbook.

I shrugged. "Shouldn't you know? You're his best friend and you're also madly in love with him," I joked, closing my locker before realizing I still needed my History textbook because I wanted to finish my homework so I didn't have to do it at home. I attempted to open my locker again, grumbling at the fact that I had to deal with the rustiness again.

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