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to: chicken nugget

to: chicken strip
WHAT?!?! NOW?!?

Calum's lips continued to press kisses along my jaw and neck as I struggled to type out another reply to Ashton. "Something wrong?" he mumbled, pulling away.

"Um, yeah," I said. Calum threw his head back, body still trapping me against the bookshelf of the library, and groaned in annoyance. He looked down at me and pulled me off the wall, urging me to go do whatever it was I had to do. Grinning at him and pecking his lips quickly, I shouted a, "Thank you!" and started jogging down the hallway.

Students watched me run up the stairs, Converse squeaking against the platform, with weird glances. They seemed to be very confused as I continued to bolt of the stairs. Once I was on the roof, out of breath and palms pressed against my knees and body hunched over, I saw Ashton was pacing the ground, tugging at his hair in utter frustration. My breaths were shallow, not used to the feeling of working out.

"I cannot believe this!" Ashton bellowed, throwing his arms up. I continued pant and pull out a water bottle from my backpack. Sitting down against the door that led to the roof, I spectated Ashton, who stopped pacing and sat beside me. "Lindsay's got a boyfriend," he breathed out, slamming his head against the metal of the door.

The water I was downing escaped from my mouth all of a sudden as I attempted to stop myself from choking.

"Who?!" I said, eyes wide and mouth open.

"I don't know. I didn't stay to hear his name. I just saw her with this guy laughing and hugging, and then I ran! All the way here, but man I wasn't dying from exercise like you were," Ashton sighed. He glanced at me disgustedly, causing me to throw the empty bottle at him.

"I was making out with my boyfriend! Of course I'm out of breath!"

"Of course you were! Everyone's dating and I'm so single, and I'm gonna stay that way until I'm a corpse," Ashton whined, leaning his head onto my shoulder. He moaned and groaned in self pity.

Feeling awkward because I didn't know how to deal with upsetting feelings, I lifted my arm to pat Ashton's shoulder, mumbling a, "There, there. Maybe you can hang out with Calum and I. We're having a Harry Potter marathon this Friday and you can maybe third wheel."

Ashton lifted his head off of my shoulder. "Um, no. We're best friends. That guy is gonna be the one third wheeling us." He squinted his eyes and rubbed his chin jokingly. "I'll bring Luke just in case."


The shocked expression on Calum's face when he opened the door to see Luke, Ashton, and I standing on his doorstep was amusing. He was smiling when he swung open the door quickly, but when his brown eyes landed on the two giants behind me, his eyebrows strung together and his grin faltered.

He motioned all three of us to come in. The moment I passed through into the threshold, my arm was yanked back and I came face to face with a pouting boy. "I thought it was just gonna be me and you," Calum whined, stomping his feet like a child.

I reached my hand out to pull his body closer, wrapping my arms around his waist and staring up at him. "I know, but Ashton needs me this week. Also, we'll be cuddling and watching a wonderful cinematic production, so you won't even notice him," I cooed, stroking his jawline, trying to coax him into a good mood.

His eyebrows raised. "Hm, cuddling you say?" Calum leaned his head near my face, lips brushing against my own but not kissing them.

As his body got closer and closer, teasing me terribly, a loud, booming voice calls out, "You two make me want to puke." Calum's body jumped away from mine as I rolled my eyes at Ashton who exited the kitchen with a bowl of fresh popcorn.

He strolled into the living room. Luke was already on the couch, scrolling through his phone and nibbling at his lip. Ashton plopped down beside him, already shoving handfuls of popcorn into his mouth. Calum groaned again, leaning into me and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"Is there anyone else I don't know about who's coming?" Calum said into my neck. The doorbell rang once again and his face immediately pulled away and before he could say another word, I stalked away towards the door.

Swinging the door open, my mouth dropped seeing Lindsay and no other then a boy who was the exact definition of tall, dark, and handsome. He had a dark mess of hair on top of his head and eyes so dark, I couldn't decipher if they were a beautiful dark brown or black as the night sky.

"Well is this who I think it is?" I asked, looking him over once more. He was so pretty. But all I could think about was the boy in the living room who made my heart beat faster than anyone else could, especially the boy standing before me.

Lindsay nodded. "Yeah, this is my cousin Matt."


this was short lmao

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