"You're fucking kidding me," I mumbled, staring at the sign that covered my whole entire car. The red cloth covered my car doors and the smirking asshole standing next to it held a bouquet of roses. His dark hair was shining underneath the hood he was wearing and everyone stared at him because no one understood why this was happening.

Prom without you would be ruff!

My mouth dropped in shock as I stared at the puppy that sat patiently next to the boy in the dog onesie. I was going to die of embarrassment. I could feel the red of my cheeks burning my skin from within. Beau wagged his tail and barked and I felt all the eyes following me as I walked over to the guy with a boyish grin and punched him in the shoulder.

"You took my fucking dog from my house?!" I quietly hissed as Matt laughed happily. Beau barked and I tried, I really tried to resist the urge to take the sign off of my car and suffocate Matt with it.

"Your mother didn't object."

"My mother isn't home!"

He only shrugged.  "Well are you gonna say yes?" he questioned, holding up the roses and leaning in to me, only for me to push him away and scoff.

"You stole my dog."

"And you will not get him back unless you say yes."

He leaned towards me once again, shoving the flowers in front of my nose. Beau tugged at the leash in Matt's hand, brushing his fur against my leggings. Students watched, wide eyed and mouths open, talking about who Matt was and why he was asking me, the girl who isn't dating Calum Hood anymore.

"Fine," I huffed stomping my foot lightly, and breathing harshly out of my mouth.

"She said yes!"

He threw the bouquet in the air and he let go of the leash that held Beau. The excited dog leaped himself onto me and I collapsed to the ground as Matt guiltily watched me fall stupidly. He quickly grabbed at the red leash once again to pull off the way too excited pitbull.

"Oops," he said.

Brushing the dirt off of my leggings, I huffed out a, "Pick me up at eight and don't be late I swear to God."

I ripped the leash out of Matt's clammy hands and stalked off to my car. Of course he would make a big scene of asking me. I thought he was just kidding because saying "I'll take you to Prom" seemed like one of those things you say when you pity your friend and need to say that to make them feel better.

Grumbling to myself, I unconsciously bumped into someone. Beau barked and I looked at him to silently tell him to shut up. Not lifting my eyes I say, "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, totally my fau-" My eyes met his and I could physically feel the lungs inside me deflate like an untied balloon.

Beau immediately started tugging at the leash, wanting to get closer to the familiar face he loved so much. I tried holding my ground, leaving the couple inches between Calum and I a couple of inches. Don't get any nearer, I said to myself. If you get any closer you won't be able to move away.

"It was my fault too," he mumbled, awkwardly raising his phone in his hand. "I wasn't paying attention."

I nodded my head awkwardly, trying to avoid direct eye contact because I knew that if I looked into those chocolate eyes, my facade of not caring would melt. I did care when it came to Calum. I'll always care.

"So, how've you been?" Calum asked. He was dragging the conversation on, just trying to stay here in this moment as long as possible. I get that. I would love to stay idle in this moment in time, but under these circumstances, I couldn't.

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