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The next morning, I got the hell out of Calum's bed as quick as I could. I should have stayed a little while longer in his arms, but I was terrified of the thought that he didn't like me back. Yeah, he slept in the same bed as me and he hugged me whilst I was sobbing, but did he genuinely like me? He never said he liked me back. Now, my thoughts were eating away my brain.

But I somewhat regretted leaving him in the morning. His muscular arms wrapped around my body put me in a state of tranquility. His scent calmed my senses and just being with him just made me feel safer than I would if I was alone.

I stood in the kitchen for a while, pouring Ryder a bowl of cereal. He munched on it happily and talked about his favorite Pokémon with mushed up, disgusting food in his mouth. His parents came home before Calum woke up, so I took my chance and  went home to bake cookies and eat every single one out of sadness and regret. I wished with my whole heart that it was possible for me to burn calories by running away from my problems. My fear of Calum not liking me back has me paranoid.

Staring down from the rooftop of the school, I sadly chewed on a cookie and stared down at the students of my high school. Ashton sat beside me, dangling his freakishly long legs off the side of the building while ranting about some drum kit he saw and how he wanted to start a band. I solemnly nod along, my mind filled with thoughts of Calum. God, Calum just needs to get out of my head.

"Ken, are you okay? You look really sad and I don't know if you're still upset about Zayn leaving One Direction or some other thing," Ashton said, poking at my sides to try to get me to smile.

"I'm just thinking," I assured him.

But it wasn't enough. "About what?"

"A boy."

"Calum?" My head turned towards Ashton quickly, my mouth hanging open. He only smirked and finished up his lunch. I tried to form some type of sentence to make it seem like my infatuation towards Calum was completely false. "Stop looking at me like that. I'm pretty sure everyone you talk to thinks the same thing. You can't just talk about Calum all the time and then expect people to think you don't like him."

"But I don't-"

"The way you look at him says enough, Kendall. Now, tell me why you're thinking about Calcium Hood?" Ashton asked, laughing at his own joke. I wanted to push him off the roof, but instead I sighed loudly before mumbling the reason under my breath. "I'm sorry, what?" I mumbled it again. "Ken, speak up."

"Oh my God, I slept with him last night, okay?!"

"Holy shit! You did the dirty deed with Calum?!"

My eyes widen in shock as Ashton accusingly pointed his weirdly long finger at my face. "Oh my- no! No! We slept in the same bed and we cuddled!" I shouted as Ashton stared at me weirdly. He narrowed his eyes at me and I flinched under his intense glare.

"There's something you're not telling me," he stated, standing up from his sitting position. He stood at his full height and he intimidated me slightly. I stood up as well, and tried to run away, but his huge body blocked my path. "Tell me, or I'm hurling your body off of this roof," he threatened.

I sat back down in defeat and groaned like a child. "I told him I liked him." Ashton's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really?! What did he say?"

"That's the thing Ashton, he didn't say anything. I think he fell asleep  or something."

"Well, what about in the morning?"

"Um, I kinda woke up early and hauled ass," I timidly mumbled. Ashton nearly tackled me to the ground, but instead, he started towards the exit and I cautiously followed him. "Where are we going?"

"To find Calum and see how he feels about you."

When those words fell from his lips, I instantly pounced on his back to slow him down. Of course, he wasn't expecting me to attach myself to his body like a koala. He yelped and we both fell to the ground in the hallway, earning stares from other students in the hallway. Ashton attempted to get up but I clung onto him like a leech, pulling his hair, and trying to weigh him down. The bloke wouldn't slow down. He stumbled but continued on normally.

Being the idiot I am, I was planning to jump off and tackle him. But as soon as my feet touched the ground, he took off running through the corridors while cupping his mouth and screaming Calum. I shrieked loudly and chased after him. My short legs weren't enough to keep up with him. Looking around, I spotted Luke Hemmings, fiddling with his locker combination. I rushed over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, how much do I need to pay you to get you to help me chase down my friend?" I ask, completely out of breath. I was so out of shape and I vowed to myself to not sprint after Ashton again.

"Erm, what-" I grabbed his large hand in my own and tugged on his hand to run with me after Ashton who I could still hear shouting around the hallways. "What are you doing?" Luke panted, getting as tired as me.

"How good are you at tackling?" I asked, still running, nearing Ashton who seemed to be getting tired and slowing down.

"Um, not as good as you would think-"

"Okay, you see that curly headed, awkwardly tall asshole screaming 'Calum'? Try to catch up to him and just tackle him to the ground."

"What do I get out of this?" Luke whined, getting tired of sprinting.

I shrugged and pushed him in front of me. All of a sudden, Luke started running faster than I've ever seen anyone run. As I stopped for a quick breather, my eyes widened to twice their size when Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton's waist, and completely knocked him down. Gasps echoed off of the hallway's walls as Ash let out a girlish scream.

I run over, crouching beside Ashton and laughing at Luke, who was grinning at me widely because he felt so accomplished. I raised my hand for a high five to Luke. While Ashton continued to groan in pain, I ask, "So, what do I owe you?"

"A friendship."

"A what?"

"I don't have any friends and you two look like nice people," Luke smiled.

Ashton glared at him. "You just tackled me to the ground because Kendall told you to. How does that make us nice?" Ash bitterly snapped. I laughed, tilting my head back. Luke helped Ashton back up to his feet and there at the end of the hallway, stood Calum with Delia walking down the hallway, talking and laughing happily.

 I felt my heart break into millions of pieces. The sharp shards of my heart pierced my lungs, and I didn't know how to breathe properly. Ashton wraps his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder to reaasure me. But my heart felt broken. They were just talking and laughing, but my heart clenched with sorrow. Maybe he really doesn't like me.

"Aren't they just partners in a project?" Ashton asked.

Calum swiftly pulled Delia in for a kiss and my whole body tensed more. Tears pricked my eyes and I clenched them shut. A tear rolled out from my left eye, and I shook my head sadly. "Project partners don't do that."



it was funny when her and ashton were like running but then calum was like aha;ohr;oeaf - someone needs to stop him and its not gonna be me anytime soon I still have a few more tricks up my ass

this is so unedited so I apologize immensely

okkkk so idk I like when you guys vote and comment so please do it because it gives me motivation you know?

so don't forget to vote + comment :) xx

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