Chapter 1

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Edith's P.O.V
My name is Edith Mathews. I am 15 years old. I am Two-bit Matthews' kid sister. I am a greaser. I have dark hair, dark brown eyes, and I have a nice tan.

My best friend, Ariana, is a greaser also, her and I are in the same gang. Ariana is Dallas Winston kid sister. Ariana is 14 years old. She is the youngest. Pony only beats her by 5 months. She has honey colored eyes with medium length brown hair and her skin color is tanish.

People usually mistaken me for Dally's sister cause I more of a trouble maker. I learned it from Dally.

Her best friend is Johnny and my best friend is Sodapop.

She has a crush on Ponyboy, one of gang members, and I have a crush on Johnny, also one of our Gang members.

We met the gang by our brothers. They are 7 guys in the gang and 2 girls. There is Darrel who we call Darry, Sodapop, Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally, Two-bit, Steve, Ariana and I. The only two people we met from the gang before were Johnny and Pony, we go to the same school and all of us became great friends. We met them at lunch. I had Pony in 3 of my classes and Ariana in all of my classes. I had P.E. with all of them. I didn't have Johnny in any other class because he is 1 year older than me but he had the same lunch as Pony, Ariana, and I. Pony always wanted us to meet the gang and when we did he was happy.

Ariana and I have nick names. Hers are Baby Winston or Pumpkin. Mine are Little Mathews or Princess. They usually call me Princess and they call Ariana, Baby Winston.

Two-bit, Ariana, Dally and I were walking to the Curtis House. When we approached the house I saw Johnny and I smiled at him but he didn't smile back because he was a shy person. I saw that he had a scar on his cheek and I asked him what happened because I was worried about him but he didn't say anything. Ariana went to go talk to Ponyboy and they were having a good time they were laughing and were getting really close like if they were flirting. When were still inside we saw Soda, Steve, and Darry walk in the door I figured they were coming back from work.

"Hi Ariana and Hi Edith" they said.

"Hey guys."

"You guys want to go for a walk?" Pony asked us.

"Sure." we said.

"Where do you think you guys are going?" Dally asked us.

"Dally we are going to walk we will be right back we promise." I told him.

Dally treats me like a little sister so he can be more over protective then Two-bit. Dally says 'it's because he loves me' but Dally never loved anything except Johnny. So I didn't believe it most of the time.

"okay then. Got your switchblade Ariana?" Dally said.

"Oh Shut up Dally you never let me have one." Ariana told him.

Dally laughed and asked if I had mine and I said 'Yea' he nodded and smiled.

"Bye guys!" we said as we headed out.

Ariana and Ponyboy were walking in front of Johnny and I. Johnny was telling me about his scar. He told me about how some soc with rings did that to him. Johnny told me about how he always carried a switch blade ever since that happen to him.

As we were walking we saw a blue Mustang pull over. I turned to Johnny and he looked scared. Five Socs came out one of them had rings. Two of them were girls with brown hair and the other three were guys.

One girl got Ariana while the other punched her. I ran up to the girl and punched her in the nose and I think I broke it. She couldn't stop bleeding. The other soc let go of Ariana and she saw that the three socs were beating up Pony and Johnny, she went and kicked the soc in the stomach and she took the other soc off Johnny and she saw that I had a little trouble with the two soc girls. Ariana went over there and she grabbed the girl and punched her alot of times.

I heard Pony and Johnny yelling for Darry, Soda, Dally, and the rest of the gang. I saw them running towards us and that the socs were getting back into there car. Two-bit held me in his arms.

"Hey Edith. Everything is gonna be alright."

I was crying but I only asked for Johnny.

"I'm right here Edith. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Johnny. Are you okay?"

I looked up and saw him that he was bleeding. I cried even more when Soda came and hugged me. Ariana was with Dally. She was crying also she was asking about Ponyboy.

Everyone was shocked because they never seen us cry. I had a bruise on my cheek and my nose was bleeding. Ariana had a few cuts. She also had a busted lip. Pony had a cut on his cheek and Johnny had a another scar on his forehead but they won't notice because his hair covered it.

Pony, Ariana and I were crying and Johnny was just scared. Soda had carried me and Dally carried Ariana, she was still crying. 

"Don't worry best friend they ain't gonna hurt you anymore." I hugged soda and he kept whispering things in my ear like "Don't worry princess. Please stop crying princess. I'm here for you. I won't let them hurt you okay."

I stopped crying. Soda looked at me with 'sorry I wasn't there' in his eyes.

He took me to the couch and Darry cleaned all of us up. I thanked Darry and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I looked at the clock and it said "10:00" I saw that it was only Darry, Pony, Johnny, Soda, and Two-bit. I'm guessing that Dally, Ariana and Steve went home. I looked outside and it was already night. I asked Two-bit if we could go home.

"yeah sure see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye guys and thanks Sodapop" I went to all of them and hugged them.

When we got home I showered, put on some pj's, I looked at Two-bit who was already asleep, Yes we share rooms, and I fell asleep.

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