That's My Man • Devin Booker; For Nia •

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Ever since moving to the beautiful city of Phoenix, Nia and Devin had been getting more noticed as a couple. With Devin now being apart of Phoenix's team, everyone recognized them here and there.

As the couple walked back to Devin's car after eating lunch, one guy seemed to catch interest in Nia and wolf whistled at her.

"Aye ma, why don't you leave your little boy toy and get yourself a real man?" The guy called out to the couple. Devin, who was holding Nia's hand tightened his grip, as if saying "Just keep on walking." and they did, but couldn't get very far since the guy continued to follow the two. "Aw, your little boy toy scared? You deserve better than this little scrawny ass kid, you need somebody like me." He continued to insult Devin.

Devin, finally being fed up at the pathetic insults decided to speak out. "You know you got some nerve to say she deserves you, buddy. You wanna talk smack about me when I bet that your ass washes cars for a living. You're out here livin' in the streets when I'm apart of the NBA, pal." He said, Nia being proud of him for speaking that.

"That's my man!" she mentally said to herself, as she watched Devin continue to defend him and her.

"Smart with words, huh? Let's see if you're smart in a fight," The guy said, getting all up in Devin's face and the brawl between the two began. Devin having the upperhand the entire time.

The guy, clearly having no chance against Devin anymore just got up and ran away. "If I'm so scrawny, how come I just beat your ass?!" Devin called out to the guy who was now running away.

Nia stood by, clearly impressed with how her boyfriend shut the other douche up. "Puttin' in that work, babe." She said, and the two started laughing at her joke. "But really though, babe. You totally kicked his ass.." She said.

Devin shrugged, "He was talking mad shit so he deserved to get his ass beat. Plus, he ain't got no right to speak about my girl that way. You're mine, he needed to learn that." He said, before Nia walked over to him and kissed him gently.

"Well, Mr. Booker, you sure as hell proved to him that I was taken by you, and you only." She smiled, and the two made their way home. Even if the situation was history, they still couldn't stop talking about it; it was mostly just them laughing at the guy and how quickly he ran away.

"But did you see his face once you were done with him, Priceless!" Nia said, laughing as the two sat in their living room. These two could always keep a conversation going, even if it was about the same topic.

Even if it did seem annoying to repeat over and over again, she really was proud of Devin. He wasn't one to defend himself in certain situation, and he sure as hell wasn't one for violence. Sure, he was a basketball player and had to be aggressive but he couldn't ever find it in himself to use violence against someone off the court. Tonight he proved that he can do such a thing. Another thing about Devin is that he was protective of those he loved. From his little sister to Nia, he was protective of everyone he loved and cherished. So, seeing him fight to defend her and their relationship meant alot to her.

"I think you deserve a celebration," She said, as she stood up. "Go best friend, that's my best friend!" She chanted, earning a laugh for her boyfriend, {who of course was also her best friend}.


Sorry this took so long, I started watching a WWE Pay-Per-View tonight but I hope you like it, Nia! 💕

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