Over Protective Dad • Kevin Love; for Ashley •

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Once Kevin Love found out he was set to be a father from his wife Ashley, he knew his life was about to change forever. When their daughter Alyssa was born, he found it his number one priority to take care of her.

Now, nearly fourteen years later, Alyssa was all grown up. She was at the age where she'd be surrounded by boys and even develop a crush on one. The young girl was beautiful and any guy would wish to catch the attention of Alyssa Love. Eventually, the young girl did meet a guy that she seemed to really like. They seemed to hit it off and were set to go on their "first date" the upcoming weekend.

Alyssa told her mother about it, Ashley being totally okay with it because she knew that it was set to happen eventually. "Aw, sweetie! That's great, what's his name?" She asked, as her 13 year old daughter went on about her upcoming date.

"His name is Steven, and he plays basketball like daddy!" Alyssa answered, with a big smile on her face.

"Who plays basketball like daddy?" Kevin asked, walking into the kitchen after coming home from practice.

"Oh, hey babe!" Ashley said, smiling as well before kissing her husband. "Aly was just telling me about this new boy she really likes."

"Boy?!" He said, completely flipping out because he feared for this day to come.

"Yeah, I have a date with Steven this weekend..." Alyssa said, as if it was no big deal.

"Over my dead body. You aren't gonna go anywhere alone with a boy. You shouldn't even focus on guys right now, focus on your school work and your after school activities." He said, a little too sternly.

"But dad!" She said, feeling as if it was unfair.

"But dad nothing, what I said is final. Now, go do your homework." He said, pointing towards the staircase.

Alyssa mumbled to herself before doing as she was told, not wanting to get into anymore trouble with her father.

Ashley looked at her husband in disbelief, feeling as if he had overreacted. "Kevin, why on Earth did you react that way?" She asked, finishing up with making dinner.

"React what way? Ashley, she's too young to be going on dates... she shouldn't waste time with boys." Kevin simply answered, shrugging her shoulder.

She shook her head, "Kev, she's nearly fourteen years old. She's at the age where she wants to hang out with boys or even date one.." She said, trying to get that through his head.

"Like I said, over my dead body. She's my baby girl and I will not allow it." He said, before getting up to check on Alyssa.

The thirteen year old girl was sitting in her room, finished with her homework by now and she was on Skype with Steven. Kevin didn't wanna be noticed, so he just stood outside the door trying to hear their conversation.

"So, your dad doesn't want you and I to go on a date? We're just gonna go eat pizza and go to Dave and Busters, there's nothing wrong with that?" Steven's voice could be heard.

"He doesn't but I understand where you're coming from. It's a normal thing to do," Alyssa replied, shrugging her shoulder.

"Well, I mean.. he is your dad and he probably is just looking out for you. Maybe next time we could hang out with his permission?" Steven asked, causing Kevin to realize that this kid wasn't bad news at all; he seemed nice.

"I'll try to talk to him later and I'll let you know, alright? I gotta go to my softball practice.. bye Steven." Alyssa smiled at the boy before ending their Skype call.

Instead of entering his daughter's room, Kevin went back down to the kitchen to find his wife still there. "So, I just overheard Aly talking to Steven.." He said, sitting on the island.

"And?" Ashley asked, as if saying to go on.

He sighed, "I admit that I might've overreacted after she said she was gonna go on a date. But, Ash could you blame me? She's our only child and I always feel as if I need to protect her. She's my baby girl but then I start to realize that my baby isn't so much of a baby anymore..." He said, messing with his watch.

She walked over to sit next to her husband, "Well Kev, I know where you're coming from there. She is getting older and she is our only child.." She agreed with him.

"Ash, I want another baby." Kevin said, out of the blue.

Ashley looked at her husband, a bit shocked at the mention of another child since they agreed to only have Alyssa. "Kev... are you so sure about that?" She asked.

He nodded, "I'm more than positive, plus I think Aly might like having a little brother or sister. C'mon, what do you say?" He asked, looking at his wife with his eyes full of hope.

She sighed, before nodding since she also wanted another child, more than anything. "Alright Kev," She said, smiling slightly.

Her husband smiled back at her, kissing her softly. "I'll talk to Aly tomorrow and allow her to go on that date. Meanwhile... what do you say we get to trying on baby #2?" He asked.

Ashley giggled, nodding at her husband. "If that's what you want.." She said, earning another kiss from her husband.
Hope you liked it, Ashley! 💕

So, I'm currently finishing up these last few requests and if y'all wanna send in more, you can message me! ❤️

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