Wandering Twins • Stephen Curry; for Anela •

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{Just real quickly though... how precious is that picture of Stephen and baby Riley? 😍😍}

Anela, along with her twin niece and nephew, Tanner and Alyssa sat in their seats more than excited for the Warriors game the three were about to watch.

"Auntie, where's Klay?!" Tanner said, looking for the 6'7 shooting guard who happened to be the three year old's favorite player.

"Where's Iggy?!" Alyssa said, she herself looking for her favorite player, the 6'6 shooting guard, Andre Iguodala.

"They're right there guys," She answered the two, pointing to the two players her niece and nephew liked. She found herself then looking over at her favorite player and NBA crush, Stephen Curry.

She had the biggest crush on that man, but could you blame her? He was absolutely beautiful to her, especially with those eyes... and that voice. {A/N: Tbh, I am a sucker for those eyes of his... and that voice, good God-} She always dreamed of meeting the man in person, but she always had the doubts of that ever happening.

The twins, clearly overly hyper by the end game decided that it would be fun to play "hide n' seek" with Anela in the arena. It was bad enough that they ran away from her when they were supposed to stay with her at all times. To top it off, the two munchkins had actually hid pretty well because she couldn't find them anywhere at all. The security eventually let the woman enter the tunnel, understanding that she really had to find her niece and nephew or else her sister would kill her for losing her children.

As she walked near the locker rooms, she had a bunch of screaming, the screaming coming from male voices to be exact. Curiously, Anela walked towards the door, trying to hear what they were yelling about.

"Dude c'mon, they're children! Let's just go find whoever they belong to!" She heard the very familiar voice of 'Mo Speights. She opened the door, only to find the entire Warriors roster, half naked.

Her eyes widened, and her cheeks turned extremely red. One, because she is seeing her favorite team half naked. Two, because she's embarassed that she just walked in on them half naked. "I am so sorry!" She quickly apologized, shielding her eyes with her hands.

Stephen Curry laughed, before quickly changing into some clothes and taking the hand of each twin and walking them towards the woman. "They yours?" He asked, smiling at her.

Anela blushed again, not really believing that the Stephen Curry was speaking to her. "T-They're actually my niece and nephew..." She responded.

"Auntie!" Tanner and Alyssa said in unison, running to hug the legs of their aunt.

She smiled down at them, before looking back up at the taller man, "I'm really sorry they ran in here... you know kids... always wanting to wander around," She tried to apologize, clearly still nervous.

He shook his head, "Nah, don't worry about it. They actually spoke to us, the little boy telling Klay he was his favorite player and the girl saying Iggy over there was her future husband." he said, laughing at the end.

"Because he is my future husband!" Alyssa added, causing both Anela and Stephen to laugh.

"And both of them actually said, that you, their aunt had a 'big' crush on me, is that true?" He asked, smirking slightly.

That caused her to blush even more than she already was. Should she answer honestly and say "yes" or should she lie by saying "no?" No, she couldn't say "no" to that, that would be mean. "Uhm... y-yes I guess you could say that..." She answered, looking down at the twins yet again.

"Well, they were right about their aunt being beautiful..." He started to say, with a smile. "And since you have a big crush on me, what would you say if I asked you to come to our next home game and then we can go on a date?" He asked.

Anela swore she wanted to pinch herself because she felt as if she was dreaming. Stephen Curry had just asked her out... "Uh, y-yeah! That'd be great," She managed to get out.

Stephen smiled once more before taking her hand and kissing it gently. "They never told me your name..." He said.

"Anela... my name is Anela," She quickly responded.

"Well Anela, I'll see you next game then," He said, winking at her before the three left.

Tonight was definately an amazing night for her... even if she did "lose" her niece and nephew for a few minutes-
Hope you like it, Anela! ♥️

{This is a random fact and pretty lame but I always find myself listening to Pvris whenever I write}. 😁

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