Dare • D'Angelo Russell; for Shaveen •

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{How adorable is that picture though? 😍 Anyways, onto the story!}.

It was nearly a year ago that Shaveen got together with the one she's liked for nearly 10 years, D'Angelo Russell. She was the happiest girl on the planet because D'Angelo was nothing but a sweetheart and a gentlemen to her. He spoiled her whenever he could and he sure as hell had no problem showing everybody that she was his girl and his girl only.

But all of that "paradise" came crashing down after the couple had their first big argument. Objects were thrown, insults were thrown, it was chaos in their house. The start of this argument? Dishonesty. After nearly a year of dating, Shaveen soon came to find out that their whole relationship started because of a dare due to a petty ass text D'Angelo received when she borrowed it to call her mom.

"You have been pretending to like me this whole time, due to a dumbass dare?!" She yelled at him, clearly heartbroken since she believed that he truly did love her the way she did with him. She didn't even let him explain, she just called him every bad word she could think of at the moment and left with a few clothes to spend the night elsewhere. She wanted to believe that it was some sort of joke, that it really wasn't a dare but she knew that it wasn't.

As the days went on, Shaveen tried to get D'Angelo off her mind by going out with a few friends but that failed. It was nearly impossible for her to go out anywhere with friends because D'Angelo would always be mentioned, that was the terrible thing about both of them having the same friends. To make matters worse, his so called "fans" would post about her on social media, blaming her for his lack of focus during games and acting differently towards people. If they only knew the truth...

Finally one night, having enough of the constant hate towards her, the two decided to meet up to hopefully talk things out and have D'Angelo speak to his "fans" telling the what actually happened between the pair.

"I hope you realize that could've never happened if your ass didn't keep this a secret for so long," Shaveen spoke, cutting straight to the point as the two sat down at the patio table of D'Angelo's house.

D'Angelo sighed, obviously knowing that she was upset with him. Who wouldn't be mad? If someone pretended to be in a relationship with them for this long, they'd be pretty pissed too. "Look, Shaveen. I know that you're still mad at me and I deserve to be called whatever bad word you got floating around in your head. Yes at first everything was just a dare. But as the months went by in our relationship I learned deep down that I really do love you. I regret ever agreeing to ask you out as a dare, I should've done it for real. You taught me what it's really like to love someone, and I regret ever hurting you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart," He said, leaving Shaveen in shock.

She smiled as she looked up at him, her heart being full of nothing but love as she heard the honest truth from him; this what the D'Angelo she fell in love with, the D'Angelo who only spoke truth. "Well.... I'm sorry for overreacting and throwing all those things at you," She said, a bit embarassed to think of how she acted but could you blame her?

He chuckled softly, "I'll accept your apology, but I wanna ask you something as well... how would you like to be my girlfriend? And this time I mean, for real this time." He asked, smiling slightly.

"I'd love that very much," She smiled back at him before being in for a hug by D'Angelo.

I hope you liked it, Shaveen! I'll update again once I'm finished watching Monday Night Raw! 😊

Don't forget to send in requests! 💗

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