Sky of blood. -Past-

102 13 7

I stumbled on my way to the cemetery.
The skies were carrying me further. I'd walk the road and spot a couple of faces oddly studying my bizarre behaviour.

Bizarre behaviour?

I followed the last sparkles of light. Staring at the shadows that formed above my feet. I'd see a show collapsing, and dummies relaxing their strings.

Caught on my last healthy sense, I rubbed my eyes in disbelief of what was I seeing.

I walked further ignoring whatever I thought of.
Heavily breathing I walked to the cemetery, walking a long alley leading to more death with each step I take.
With each taken step being one step close to death itself.

I glanced at a grave which didn't belong to my father's, but a specially nice and sweet person that died a couple of months ago. Ruth Jones. An old lady I've been taking care for so long. I'd hang out in her house almost every day and listen to the Beatles and  the smiths, and play chess all day long. I was on my way home from school when mom shared with me the news she was gone. And I didn't cry. I was apathetic and deeply wounded. Mom said she had a heart attack.

I looked at her grave and shed a tear.

"Ah, Ruth. My darling." An antique of a voice spoke.
I looked at the person standing beside me, looking at the same grave as I did.
"A beautiful lady." The unknown old man spoke, "she used to speak about you a lot." He grinned. "So sad she had a huge grudge towards life and decided to die."

"Decided to die?" I asked.

"Child, this person was a wounded lady who decided to take her own life." He whispered looking at the tree before the grave.

"How could she..." I clenched my fist.

"How could she not, my child." He smirked, "how could she not..." And with that he walked off.

How could she not?

A minute of silence was distracted by the loud wind and leaves scattering all over the place.

How could she not...

I looked up at the tree, my eyes wide open at the terror before me. Death staring eye to eye with me. I've spotted Ruth's body hanging on the tree. I  screamed loudly, unable to move. The passers were studying the frightened look in my eyes, and the tears falling down my cheeks and chin. A woman asked me what's wrong, I clenched my teeth and pointed at the tree where Ruth's body was hanging. For another minute I could feel a cold look from the woman asking me. She rolled her eyes and said I was hallucinating and that nobody was there. I ignored her and strongly held her arm, begging her to help me take the body off, but she started at me uncertainly... Palely, I argued with the fool person beside me and started to climb the tree.

"Girl! Get off that tree!" The stranger replied, "you're insane. I'm not looking forward to see you falling from there." Her voice began to part away which meant she left.

I began to climb the tree not so high from the ground, I've reached the right spot covered with autumn leaves and cones. As I gathered off all the leaves and reached the places were the rope was curled around the wood. There wasn't anything. Not a rope. Not a drop of blood. Not a pale body hanging. No fear dancing. No life dying. No soul crying. Nothing.

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