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-Haileys P.O.V

He makes me feel warm.
That's what his eyes are maid of.

I'm reaching out for him, but I can't seem to get there, I'm losing it, I'm far away, I can't get there, I won't get there.
His breaking the boundaries that caused where I stand today, he's trying to get in, ripping the walls, destroying everything, his voice reaching out for me, terror in my eyes, will he get me out? Will I ever be free again?

Am I reaching for him?

He's there, I can hear him solidly, but can he hear me? I'm whispering, quite bleeding, not at all breathing.

I open my eyes, and he's here. Tugging me into his arms like water he's about to lose in the middle of a desert, like I'm about to dry out, I'm pouring in his heat and irritating touch, that yet... I desire... I guess.

Releasing me from the bathtub, he begin to reanimate me, screaming my name, slapping me delicately on my cheek, hoping I'd wake up, but oh I'm awake, Levi. As awake as I've never been. I'm with you.

I opened my eyes, and seen terror crossing his, hue and cry. Desperation never known. His hands cold and strong, our eyes froze in time, but he broke through. Seeing me alive, he sighed and hugged me.

Ever since that day, Leviathan would come to visit me in this bullcrap. Each time, I would feel a glimpse of happiness, yet be consumed by nothingness.

On early mornings he'd come, I'd sit on a chair, staring at the window among all the mentally broken people who've strings had broke. Having my hair braid by a mysterious, beautiful man.
Lacing his fingers, like he'd composing a beautiful melody on a destroyed instrument.
Just like my mother did... would always do.

He'd whistle while braiding my hair, I liked how he adds a little bit of himself to everything I've most cherished in my life. The melancholy he whistled was easy, and empty. It calms and awakens me, just like he does.
I feel a tear falling down my recovering cheek, burning like medicine.
Memories struggled through, and I remembered.

I remembered, and awakened.

The sun was rising, and I was setting.
The colours colliding ever so softly, like him and I would in my far desires.
The doctors said that the cause of my silence is the shock I've been through, but it won't hopefully last for too long.

Once Levi was done with his play, I wanted it to stop forever.
I glance at the room and the people in it. Lilies in the garden behind the glass. He sends me a questioning look, and sits in front of me quietly.
Make it stop.
He touches my cheek with his fingertips, "What did you do to me, Hailey."

What did I do? Rather, why did everything happen?

"Start talking, please." His sad voice echoing in the walls of my head.
Nevertheless, my eyes still eyeing the Lilies. He looks at them, too. Goes off, and rip it off from its roots. Running back to me, kneeling.
In silence, he observed my stare to which I have broke with scarred tears. "Mother," I cried, and hugged them. Ripping off the beautiful structure of the irrelevant flower. Breaking the bonds it ever had with me. I've ever hard with my mother. Crossing the ends and sending sincerity along side.

For a second I glanced over at Levi. He looked worried, and in hurry, but that didn't last longer than three blinks. Shutting his eyes, sending me a small smile and goes back to braiding my hair and continue his oh sweet, sweet melancholy.

Make it stop.

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