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I opened my eyes to nothing.

Pure darkness surrounds my being, my cheek glued to the cold floor, stuck in my own blood.

Moving brings me nothing but a battle with a dominant agony all around my body so I don't bother to move an inch, but then I hear the door opening, light from the outside blinded my dark eyes as I haven't seen it for complete four months.

Four months.

Four months ago I've been kidnapped, abused and used.

It's been four months and my kidnappers didn't get any payment for freeing me out.

Four months since I've last seen my mother.

Four months.

I was happy.

And now I'm surviving, barely breathing and I'm not sure anymore for how long I can keep up.

There are three of them.

Dirty, Sloppy, heartless, horny, arrogant, aggressive, fucking bastards.

"Hang on pretty lady" one of them pulled my hair up and leaned closer to me. "We have a new day." He smirked covering my eyes with a material.

He dragged me out of the room, my legs went numb my body was covered with such intense torture. I don't know where we were going and that was what scared me the most... Being unconscious.

"Stand still." He said with his raspy voice.

I've seen only two of them, the third always stayed anonymous to me all I've ever reached to be his voice and strong hands.

As I stood, my legs started shaking, I couldn't really control it, one of the men start to tie me with a thick rope around my waists I couldn't feel the ground underneath me anymore, I was hanging somewhere, making as a playing doll for them, I wanted to cry so badly, but I'd stop myself I don't need them ruining my mentality completely.

A laugh echoed around the room with no any orientation I tried searching for it.

"Oh, good morning, sweetheart." I could hear the amusement in his voice. "It promises to be a good day."

"Let's get it started." The voice that dragged me here spoke.

I didn't know what was awaiting me now every phrase was different for those four months they haven't really repeated the same torture more than twice.

And then it hit me.

A bucket of acid falls above me.

I screamed as loud as my lungs would let me in dirty agony, my skin was burning I could feel it penetrate to my ribs.

"Switch on the electricity." The third voice demand softly.

Something, that felt like a pinch sparkled on my neck, I jumped in the air as it grew with each second.

Not enough that I had my skin burning they're trying to double it.

My breath was heavy and hard, the pain was unbelievable.

I cried from the suffering that had been going for four months.

Laughter from their side began. "Oh, what is it, Hailey? Does it hurt? But who cares? You see, my dear, you need to face the truth, if anyone would really care do you think you'd actually still be hanging in here watching your blood flowing on my perfectly clean floor? Of course not, you're not loved, " he chuckled, "you are, no one." he said seriously

"Shut up." I mumbled heavily.

"What'd you say, Mrs Parker?" He asked playfully

"Shut the hell up." Saying these words was hard as I couldn't take a deep breath.

I tried to raise my head, but it felt too heavy even for a girl like me.

"Lower her to the ground." The second voice command.

So he did, and I fell crashing into a metal over my back, making a loud echoing bang around the whole place. Where ever it was.

And that was when I've realized I made a wrong step.

Loud steps on the metal floor were reaching for my direction hair on my back stood up as I was terrified of their next step that was easy to predict.

I was on my knees disorientate trying to look up for a hint. Someone crouched in front me, I could feel his warm breath on my face, "You're so pretty." he says rubbing his index on my cheek. "Come closer." He whispered. All I managed to do was shaking my head in despair as 'no' for a reply.

"I said come here!" He almost yelled, and leaned in to kiss me.

At this point I was trying my best to back him off, but I couldn't he was 30 times stronger than my weight or height would ever let me to be.

I sense all of them to be in their 30's so they might as well be sexually desperate.

I crawled on the floor like an ant, though I knew it was a hopeless nonsense I had to try everything with no any exception.

It didn't work, he punched me over 5 times in my chest, my breath was hard to stabalise, my heartache. Right at that moment I was clueless. He took off the only material layer that has been with me for four months. He shook me with my arms, kissing me as I try to move out.


He unzipped his pants and did the cruel job of his. Once he was done, he slapped me with a metal barrel over my head, and I've lost my consciousness.

He dragged me into the cold room he had taken me out this morning.

And threw me on the floor the meeting of my skin and the coldness was rather to withstand. They dipped my body into an acidic substance, taken away my pride and innocence.

Now it's my turn to take a revenge. Very soon.

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