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Leviathans P.O.V.

Beautiful, and fragile.

"Where the Lucifer stands." Her voice ever so softly flutters in my head.

"Sir Leviathan?" A nurse calls me back from the depths of my thoughts, "please, you can go now speak to the Doctor."

I nodded, and moved out of the room. Turning back once again just to spot Hailey sleeping harmlessly in her bed.

I went on.

Doctors cabinet.

I knocked on the door and opened it slightly.
"Yes?" I heard the doctor ask.

"You wanted to speak to me, Doctor?"

"Ah, Leviathan, yes! Come in. Sit."

"Alright." He said, his finger tips printed to the stack of papers.

"I've heard of the incident that happened in the early morning."

"Clearly." I nodded.

"And I think it's the perfect time to move Hailey somewhere else." He sighed, "Asylum."

"Wait, what?" I stood up.

"I told you Leviathan, she's dangerous to the patients in here."

"But Doctor I..." He cut me off, "No. We did all we could, to help her. She's of no use to stay."

"But she's not crazy!" I yelled.

"No, she isn't crazy, she's mentally unstable. She can't control her emotions."

"The girl is in pain!"

"Psychologically, yes, but not physically." He looked angrily, "I'm sorry that's all I can do for her."

All I can do for her my ass.

"We're going to transfer her in the late afternoon, I'm sorry." He stared into my eyes, "and I think your journey ends in here, too."

"What do you mean by this?"

"Face it, Leviathan. You're not from the family, you're not even her guardian. What will you get from this? I mean, yes that's nice you have taken care of her. But that's it, boy. Move on."

I'm dead furious now. Who the hell does he think he is? Who is he even to tell me stuff that doesn't even include him. Arrogant doctor got found, humph.

"Go on now."

He looked back at his table.
I murmured something above my breath as I was leaving the room.

"Huh? What is it again, boy?" He looked back at me.

My back facing his face.
Squeezing the door handle chirping of anger.

"For you, it's Sir Leviathan." I said, shutting the door.

As soon as I walked out of the hospital, I light up a cigarette and breathe into the winter cold morning. Smoke washing off the dirt that clings into my soulless body.
I took a round along the streets caring the park, walking step by step ahead of me, thinking of the only person I cannot understand. I'm not sure what is it that brings me close to her. Pity? Sadness? Feelings beyond this universe... Like love?
I have some feelings, that's undeniable, but are they that strong to cling to her soul like it belongs to me? Like she had stolen mine? A thief of the morning dark.

Around evening I return to the hospital, and meet a couple of people in Haileys room.
The detective. Doctor. And few nurses who are ready to pick her up.

"Oh, Levi, you're back. Hailey has been asking about you." The doctor gestured.

"Really?" I was surprised, but it made me feel warm.

"Mhm." He nodded, "anyway, we're transferring her now."

I watched silently as they're driving her bed into the ambulance, Haileys look was uncertain and scared. She hissed, and started to panic. I moved to her, held her cold hand, "it's okay, I won't leave you." As soon as I reached my hand to hers, you could recognize a sensation of agreement.
As we were moving from the corridors to the ambulance I made sure to tag along and sit as close to her as ever possible.
"Wh-where am... I" she struggled asking.

"We're going to a better place, don't worry." I assured her with a quick smirk.


The asylum. Haileys new home. The only hope for her.

As we were driven into her new, private, own room she'd scan it from all the corners, and seize them up with one glance. I couldn't read what she could be thinking of, but it wasn't any of a shock to her.  In here she's safe and sound.

"Shower." She mumbled from across the room.

"What?" I asked.

"I-I- want to-o ta-ke a shower, ple-ase" she chuckled on her own tongue.

And all I could think of is how glad I am for her recovery improvements.

"Yes, sure." I carry her up to my arms delicately and move her to the bathroom.

A bathtub at first scares her, but she insists on getting in.
I feel uncomfortable as she asks me to help her get prepared. Luckily she's wearing the patient cloth. As I place her inside the bathtub, she nods me out of the bathroom. Shyly, I nod and walk out as fast as possible.

Minutes were passing like crazy, and I haven't heard a tiny sound made from her ever since I've placed her in the bathtub. I watch over the clock, and with each second that pass, my heart rate increases. I decide to check on her. I knock on the door. Silence from both sides.
I knock once again, calling her name.
Silence greets me, I try to open a small crack in the doors to see if she's okay, but no, somethings definitely wrong, I couldn't spot her figure, I got inside violently and walked fast to her, I started to scream her name. Her body drowned in the water, like she was asleep. I jumped inside and pulled her out, her eyes wide open enchanting mine.
She looked cold and numb. "Are you okay?" I scream nervously.
"Mhm." She nods.
I hug her tightly to my soaked body, and warm blood coursing through my body.
"Please, don't do that ever again." I tap her head like it was going to fall off any second.
She started to raise her hands to me and return the hug.

My beautiful, defenseless Hailey is waking up.

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