Ocean blue dirty eyes.

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I glared at Quentin's dead body, and the puddle of blood surrounding his corpse.

"How pretty." I thought to myself.

I walked to his body and took the knife that was sticking out of his chest.

And walked slowly to the wooden stairs, looked upward, and felt so vacant.

The beginning of my climbing attempt was going on slowly as my right arm was still bleeding and hurt after those several times I've been stabbed with a nail by Quentin.

I placed the knife between my teeth and folded my right arm against my back, climbing only with my left, which was terribly hard.

Hold your breath, Hailey.





Go... o-o-on. A-uh!

One more step, one more-ah!

I wrapped my arm around the desk surface, and as I felt less pressure I stayed in this position for 20 seconds to stabaline my breath, and shaking body.

After a few deep breaths, I pulled myself up, spit out the knife, and lay on the wooden desk, the feeling of the floor against my body allowed me to inhale and exhale properly, I began to feel dizzy I opened my eyes and looked at the object that surrounded my being, and the place I was resting in, the white memorial, nails and ropes on the floor, wooden high walls and a ceiling which looked so far away, and the door, my only way out, I hesitated.

My heart began to race again, I had to keep running.

I stood up, my numb legs were tangling with one another, and picked up the knife.

I left a lot of blood behind me.

With every step I took, I ran faster and faster.

The door seemed so far, the determination was boiling down my veins.



Hailey, faster.


Thus I did, horror and triumph ran down my face as I finally made it! I made it to the doors.

I was one way out of this hell! Forever!

I slid the huge wooden door to the right and saw a face. An unfamiliar face.

I felt uneasy, something was wrong.

He was tall,

His hair had a bit of white and gray,

And then there were eyes like the ocean.

They widen at the sight of me.

This could only be... Collin.

I pushed him out of my way, and ran, but his whole body was in my way again, he dragged me back inside. I punched his chest several times, but he took control of them and slapped me which caused me lose my balance and fall to the cold floor.

"What have you done?" He yelled confused.

This voice... it's him. It's Collin.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" He yelled again.

I looked around for a knife or anything, but nothing was there.

"I bear your end." I responded.

"I'm... I'm going to kill you... kill you!" He panicked. Anger boiled inside him.

He took big steps toward me and pulled my leg to him, his foot kicking me on my stomach, I chocked on my own blood, it was pouring out of my mouth.

"Dead," he trembled. "You're dead."

"YOU'RE DEAD!" His kicks were intense, and then he pulled me up by my hair to face him.

He punched me so hard. I groaned in pain. As I got a chance to cover my face, he kicked my stomach so hard that I fell down to the floor, making an intense contact with my body.

As I layed there, I saw a bucket. I could tell something was filled inside it. If I could just throw it at him, I could distract him, giving me enough time to make a run for it. Run to the streets and scream for help.

But before I could do anything he got a hold of my feet and pulled it towards him, my finger tips couldn't reach it. He pinned my small body to the floor with his. Even though I'm so much shorter than him, we were eye to eye.

As Collin's ocean eyes were stuck on mine, I saw the devils laughter dancing in them.

"What now, beautiful?" He chuckled, "huh?" I immediately turned my face.

"Oh, look me in the eyes, you haven't seen them in a while, sweetheart."

In...in a while?

"Aren't I good looking? Why are you turning your face from me?" He shaked my arms, "LOOK ME DEEP IN THE EYES!" he demanded.

So I did.

Ocean blue, dirty eyes.

I gazed at them with such passion, hate and disgust.

The corner of his lips formed a smirk.

I spat into his eyes, and kicked him right in his testicles.

He groaned in pain, and let go of me.

I ran as fast as I possibly could and reached the bucket.

And turned my body to his direction, he was rubbing his eyes and took huge uneven steps toward me.

I looked at the liquid, it wasn't water, it wasn't blood. I smirked slightly. It was acid.

Collin finally shook himself and got his balance.

He walked fast, and I stood still.

Faster, and I still stood there, not moving.

He started running, and I didnt even move.

He stopped right infront of me, and I threw what was in the bucket on him.

As the acid dripped down his face, into his eyes, he teared. and now it was my turn to laugh.

He cried in pain, his body was burning, the acid was eating him alive.

With each second his screams were louder and louder, the acid was changing his facial structure, and took a small knife from Collins pocket, and I ran out.

Ran out from that place, from hell.

The wind kisses my face as a greeting.

My eyes began to pinch, but I shouldn't cry now, I can't cry now, it would only slow me down.

My poor feet were in such torture, but it was about my freedom, I had to keep going, at least as far as it was possible.

I looked at my location, the forest.

The whole time I was kept in the woods.

With high steps I tried avoiding the twigs and plants that I'd most likely trip on.

I stopped to catch my breath, and I heard something, something that i haven't heard in a while... cars. The road.

I ran towards the sound.

And there it was, a street, an abonded street, but that's so weird, I swear to God, that I don't believe in anymore that I heard a starting engine of a car.

But it didn't stop me, I kept running where the road was leading me. Straight, with no turning back, no hesitation.

And it felt like I've died a million times,

The blood streaming down my scattered body seemed so bright,

The snow, wind, ice, everything felt like a passionate bite.

It was a cold winter black night.

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