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Wow this is absolutely amazing over 100 reads in less than two hours of being published, you guys deserve a first chapter
Also that is Cherish's Outfit pictured above.

The Chmerkovskiy Household (Jenna and Val)

Cherish was getting ready for school. When her phone went off it was Kat, one of her best friends and the lovechild of her parents best friends. Oh yeah, she was also dating her brother.

"Hey babe." Cherish says.

"Hey lovely." Kat responds.

"So what's up." Cherish puts the phone on speaker so she can continue to get ready.

"Nothing I just wanted to know what you're wearing."

"Okay well... Let's just say, it's going to be epic."

Kat starts laughing, "I believe you."

They talk for about 5 more minutes before Cherish had to go. When Cherish was done she looked at herself in the mirror.
She was proud of her appearance.

When she got downstairs she exclaims,

"Gross! Really we eat on that counter." Cherish was disgusted, her parents were acting like sex-crazed teenagers.

"Sorry honey..." Jenna apologizes.

"Can you two like disinfect the counter, I'm hungry."

Max comes running down the stairs and asks his parents and sister, "How do I look?"

Cherish responds with a smirk, "Like shit, but what's new?"

Val starts laughing, but covers it up with a cough.

Jenna gasps, "Cherish Tamera Chmerkovskiy!"

"He asked, I answered." Cherish states.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, you little..." Max starts, but then stops himself.

"You look good son, you've got that Chmerkovskiy swag from your good ole dad." Val tells his son.

Cherish rolls her eyes, "So... Are we going to leave?"

"I'm your ride, so lose the attitude." Max tells his sister.

Cherish narrows her eyes and smiles sickly, "Okay, can we please go now, I really don't want to be late."

"What about breakfast?" Jenna asks her two kids as they open the front door.

"We'll stop by McDonalds." Max screams to his mother as he walks out of the door, Cherish in tow.

When Val hears the door close he lifts Jenna back onto the counter and begins to kiss her neck.

"You know we haven't had sex on this counter since we've had Cherish." Jenna smirks at her husband who then takes his shirt off, and takes hers off as well.

Let's just say, Cherish isn't going to want to eat on that counter for a long time. If she ever found out. 😉.
Outside of Golden Brooks Middle and High School

The entire gang (minus Ryan, Chrissy, and Jason) was waiting in the Quad for Kathryne.

"Well did she say when she was going to get here?" Bridgette questions.

"No..." Callie says.

Cherish rolls her eyes, "Well I am going to the bathroom. When she shows up, one of you asshats text me, kay?"

If Cherish was talking to anybody else they wouldn't understand her, but it's Cherish and she can be a bitch, but that's Cherish. She's all Chmerkovskiy attitude.

"Yeah, now I've got to piss." Carson informs his friends.

"Then go." Marah says pointing at the school.

"Okay, fine." Carson raises his arms in surrender before walking off.

"Remind me again why you date him?" Bridgette asks.

"He's sweet and awesome. I love him." Callie responds trying to convince herself.

"Okay... If it helps you sleep at night." Marah tells her best friend.
Inside of Golden Brooks Middle and High School.

"You do know you are going to have to break up with Callie, I can't keep doing this to her." Cherish says as Carson kisses her neck, as he had her pressed up against the lockers.

"Less talk, more kiss." Carson says as he presses his lips to hers.

Before they could deepen the kiss the first bell rang indicating that high schoolers were beginning to enter the school.

Carson backs away from Cherish and she straightens her skirt and fixes her fake glasses.

"Oh did I tell you, you look hot today." Carson says before walking away to his locker. She watches him walk away for a little bit and then she opens her locker.
Katheryne walks up to the younger girl.

"Hey what happened to you this morning?" Cherish questions.

"Nothing. I had to get rid of the evidence from last night." Kathryne tells her.

"Oh yeah, you're banging my brother when you aren't supposed to be." Cherish says.

"You make it seem so crude. We don't bang, we make love."

"Gross. Either way it's forbidden and I have to go, before I'm late." Cherish tells Kat.

Kathryne walks to her first period class, which happens to be gym. She walks down to the locker room and looks for Callie, Marah, and Bridgette she spots them.

"Hey girls." Kat says walking up to them.

"Hey." They greet her in unison.

Kat opens her gym locker and begins to change into the appropriate attire for gym.

While the other girls wait for her, she begins to talk, "So are you guys coming to the pool party tonight?"

"Yeah, I mean it's a tradition for our families to meet up on June 1st every year since as long as we could remember." Callie says.

When Kat is dressed they begin to walk outside to the track they shared with the middle school gym class talking.

Marah asks bluntly, "So how is the sex?"

Kat blushes while Callie and Bridgette laugh.

"Let's just say he is no slacker in the sheets." Kat tells them shyly.

"Ooo.... So did it like hurt?" Bridgette questions.

"Yeah, but it was well worth it." Kat answers.

Little did they know a certain middle schooler was listening ready to blackmail.
Well that's the first chapter, I hope you liked it. I mean it was like.... Well.... I hope you liked it. Thanks for the reads.
Mwah, Kisses, and Love.

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