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Mark's about to get jealous and so is Witney.... Can't believe how close the premiere of DWTS is. IT IS TOMORROW😁😁😁😁.
At the grocery store.

Witney had decided she was hungry and wanted pickles, so she went to the grocery store... Lucky Mark got dragged along.

"Baby, can you get me some potato chips... BBQ?" Witney asks.

"Sure... Whatever you want." Mark states, as he walks away he mutters, "You've already spent over 100 bucks, what's 3 more?"

"Hey, watch yourself... I see no play time in your future." Witney says, and then turns around. Someone runs into her.

"I'm so... Witney." The man questions.

"Umm, yes?" Witney looks at him skeptically.

"Witney Carson?"

"It's Witney Ballas." Witney shows him the ring.

"So Mark actually snatched you up?" The guy laughs.

"Okay... I don't mean to sound rude, but who the hell are you and how do you know my husband and I?"

"It's me Carson Mcallister." The guy introduces himself.

Witney furrows her eyebrows and then realization hits her, "It's so good to see you."

"You've changed a lot." Carson says eyeing her belly.

"Yeah, this is my 3rd child... Ooo.... You should come over for dinner tonight. You meet Kat and Jason. My daughter and son. Here's my number." Witney squeals as Mark walks over.

"Who's this babe." Mark moves his hand to her ass and grips it.

"This is Carson, remember I called him the creepy guy who stalked me and then I dated him for like a week..., but look at him.... He's hot.... Damn I shouldn't have said that... Sorry." Witney slaps her forehead.

"Yeah, well I got your chips now we have to go back to the kids that I put in you and we raised together. And this lovely baby in your tummy. That's my baby... Because we have kids together... Yeah... This is my hand on her ass." Mark says.

"That's interesting... So I will see you tonight. Bye Ba- Witney. Bye Witney." Carson waves.

"What was that?" Witney asks.

"You're the one that said, he's hot."

"Okay, well respect my honesty." Witney says moving Mark's hand from her ass.

"Okay, well what if I called my ex and invited her to dinner."

"You have her number, give me your phone... You don't need her number. You have a wife." Witney demands.

"I don't have her number, but you don't want me to call her so don't give other guys your number."   Mark states.

"You can't tell me what to do... So..." Witney flips her hair and walks off leaving Mark alone.
Markney Household

Witney and Mark walked in the house arguing.

"No, you're not going to call her and invite her to my house for the dinner that I am cooking." Witney tells her husband.

"If you invite Carson, I'm inviting Brittany (BC). So get over it." Mark responds.

"No!!! And..." Witney starts fake crying.

"Witney we've been married for 10+ years, I know that you aren't really crying...." Mark states.

"Okay, my sexy husband..." Witney begins playing with his belt.

"Wit..." Mark moans and Witney begins biting his  neck and rubbing his abs.

"So, no... Brittany?" Witney asks.

"No, that's not happening, but you can keep doing that." Mark says, Witney removes her hand from under his shirt and growls.

"You know what call her and the Witney express is closed... And I wanted to have some fun with you tonight... Oral and whatever." Witney states.

"Mmhmm... I'm going to call Brittany, unless you want to cancel Carson." Mark says.

"I don't trust her, she's not that bright and she hates me. I told you no... She's not even pretty. I'm prettier right." Witney asks.

"Yes, you are the sexiest... Woman ever." Mark says.

"Call her... I guess." Witney rolls her eyes.

"Okay." Mark pulls out his phone.

"So you do have her number. You're an ass... I don't like you and you're sleeping on the couch... Asshat." Witney walks up the stairs.

"Dad, what did you do?" Jason asks.

"Nothing, your mom is crazy." Mark says.
Later that day.... Dinner time.

Witney put everything on the table and sat on the couch next to her husband and their guests.

"So BC, what do you do for a living?" Witney asks.

"I'm a musician remember."

"No, sadly enough... I don't think about you." Witney replies.

"Mom!" Kat exclaims.

"Wow, you two actually stayed together after high school." Carson says.

"You said that, already." Jason states. He always had Mark's back.

"Jason!" Witney exclaims.

"What? He said that already. I mean yes they are together." Jason responds.

"He's a cutie." BC states, "Must take up after his dad."

"Yes, my son is quite the cutie." Witney smiles.

"So who else from your squad stayed together?" BC asks.

"Everyone." Mark states.

"So BC do you have a daughter?" Jason asks.

"No, I don't really want children. The right guy just walked away." BC states.

"Witney. I was wondering if you were free for lunch. We could catch up. You know. Have some fun." Carson says.

"Get the hell out of my house, you've been here all night flirting with my wife in front of my kids. Get the fuck out of my house." Mark states.

"Okay, call me later Wit, when your crazy ass husband isn't around." Carson winks.

"No, you know what take this bitch with you. I've had enough of her. Guess what, he's married to me... Get over it." Witney opens the door. They walk out. 

"Go upstairs. I have to talk to your dad." Witney says. Kat and Jason went to their rooms.

"You know... I think that I can make this disaster up to you." Witney starts kissing his neck.

"Okay. There is food on the table and I'm hungry." Mark stands up.

"Yes that's my man." Witney tries to jump up.
Well that's it.... Vote and Comment.

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