Afghan Hound

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Group: Hound

Origins: This Afghanistan dog dates back to 4,000 BC. The breed was brought to Europe in the 19th century by British soldiers. 

Weight: 57-75 lbs

Height: 68-74cm (Male) 60-69cm (Female)

Lifespan: 12-14 years

Coat: Adults Afghan Hounds have long, silky hair that flows. They are low shedders, but require frequent grooming. 

Colors: Black, Brindle, Cream, Fawn, Red, and White

Tail: Short with a loop at the end

Ears: Long and floppy

Health: Usually heathy. Prone to thyroid issues, hip dysplasia, ear infections, inflammation in legs, and obesity.

Barking: They are quiet and are not known to bark. 

Environment: They do best in places with plenty of room to run and stretch their long legs.

Popularity: The breed was mostly popular in the 1970s. Today, there are approximately 2,000 registered Afghan Hounds in the United States.  

Family Friendly? This breed can be around children with supervision. They are not known to be playful. Although, they can live with families, they often will have a closer bond with one person compared to other members.  

Temperament: Affectionate, calm, silly, independent, and shy. They may be prone to stress because they do not like changes.

Training: The breed is often stubborn making them hard to train.

Care: They need to have their ears and teeth cleaned frequently. They require plenty of exercise. 

Hypoallergenic: YES  (note: Dogs that are considered hypoallergenic are safer choices for people with allergies. It is not guaranteed that people won't get sick.)

Other Names: Tazi, Kuchi Hound, Balkh Hound, Sage Baluchi, Baluchi Hound, Barutzy Hound, Shalgar Hound, Kabul Hound, Galanday Hound

Famous Afghan Hounds

- An Afghan Hound named Prissy appears in 101 Dalmatians

 - Sirdar of Ghazni is famous for winning Best in Show at Crufts of 1928 and 1930.

- Mattel toy company, created an Afghan Hound for Barbie named Beauty. The canine doll was first sold in 1979.

More Facts:

- The Afghan Hound can run up to 40 miles per hour.

- They have scent glands inside their cheeks making a pleasant smell.

- Artist, Pablo Picasso had an Afghan Hound named Kabul 

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