🐕Purebred dogs listed from A to Z.🐩
Readers will learn all about over 100 different types of dogs ranging from large breeds like the Saint Bernard and small breeds like the Yorkshire Terrier. The breeds included in this book will be both popular...
Origins: Yorkshire, England in the 1800s. They were bred to hunt otters, rats, and badgers.
Weight: 51–64 lbs (Male), 40-44 lbs (Female)
Height: 58–61 cm (Male), 56–59 cm (Female)
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Coat: Water-resistant, short, curly fur with minimal shedding. Their double coat is soft underneath and wiry on top.
Colors: Black and tan mix
Tail: Their tails of often docked, with only 2/3rd of it remaining. They point upward when feeling confident or alert. The tails have a slight natural curl.
Ears: V-shaped
Health: Sensitive stomachs that prone to bloating. They are at risk of having dental issues and allergies.
Barking: They have a strong bark. The amount may vary. Many bark often because of their protectiveness.
Environment: They do best in places with plenty of outdoor space to play.
Popularity: The American Kennel Club ranked them as the 67th most popular dog breed in 2023.
Family Friendly? Yes, it is best for them to be in a family. They great with people all age groups. They can be good around other dogs.
Temperament: Friendly, joyful, confident, alert, brave, playful, and smart.
Training: Even though the breed is smart, they can be somewhat difficult to train because they may find it boring.
Care: Owners should provide lots of attention and toys for the dogs to play with because they can get bored easily.
Hypoallergenic: YES (Dogs that are considered hypoallergenic are safer choices for people with allergies. It is not guaranteed that people won't get sick.)
Other Names: Waterside Terrier, Bingley Terrier, and King of Terriers
Famous Airedale Terriers:
- There is an Airedale Terrier in 101 Dalmatians named Colonel.
- Bloss is a famous taxidermy Airedale Terrier on display in Yorkshire, England at the Keighley Museum. He was donated in 1935
- Laddie Boy was the first celebrity pet at the White House. He was owned by former president Warren Harding. The dog even had a his own chair to sit on during meetings. He lived from 1919 to 1929. (See photo below)
More Facts:
- In addition to Harding, Woodrow WilsonandCalvin Coolidge also had an Airedale Terrier. Wilson's dog was named Davie. Coolidge's dog was named Laddie Buck, but then it changed to Paul Pry.
- This breed often enjoys digging holes.
- They are the largest out of the terrier breeds.
- Airedale Terriers served for the British Army during the first World War. They would carry mail and find wounded soldiers.
- These dogs are known to be athletic.
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