American Foxhound

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Group: Hound

Origins: The American Foxhound is one of America's earliest breeds when the English brought their hunting dogs to Maryland in 1650.  They were originally bred to hunt foxes.

Weight: 65-70 lbs (male), 60-65 lbs (female)

Height: 56-64 cm (male), 53-61 cm (female)

Lifespan: 11-13 years

Coat: Firm fur at a medium length. The breed sheds. 

Colors: White, white and cream, tan, red, blue, black and brown, tri-color, 

Tail: A long tail with slight curvature.

Health: Healthy, but prone to stomach issues, obesity, and blood thinning

Barking: They are not known to have a strong bark, but they do sing a lot.

Environment: They enjoy living inside, but they need a secured outdoor space. 

Popularity: The American Kennel Club placed them in the bottom 20 (196th) of their popularity ranking for dog breeds in 2022.

Family Friendly? Yes, American Foxhounds prefer to be in packs. They are good with children, elderly people, and other pets. Small animals may need to be monitored because American Foxhound's have a high prey-drive.

Temperament: They are smart, stubborn, loving, loyal, and  have a strong work ethic. They are friendly but may be shy around new people. 

Training: Difficult because of their tendency to get distracted

Care: They need regular exercise and mental stimulation due to high energy levels. 

Hypoallergenic: NO

Other Names: Virginia Hound

Famous American Foxhounds

- An animated American Foxhound was featured in the original Mary Poppins film.

- A dog named Jewel won the Best in Show award at the 2013 National Dog Show.

More Facts:

- The American Foxhound is fast and has a very strong nose. They would use their scent and running abilities to track down foxes.

- They often love to swim

- Their eyes are beautiful 

- Experts at fetch

- George Washington owned a total of 36 American Foxhounds 

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