Bichon Frise

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Group: Non-Sporting

Origins: The Bichon Frise originated on the Canary Islands bred to be companion dogs. Sailors brought them to Europe in the 14th century. The likely descended from water spaniels and dogs from Spain.

Weight: 12-18 lbs

Height: 23-31cm

Lifespan: 12-15 years

Coat: Fluffy "cotton ball" hair that is double layered and curly. The undercoat is denser than the top. They shed in small amounts.

Colors: Pure white or mixtures of white with apricot, cream, or buff.

Tail: Bichon Frise tails are very fluffy and they curl over onto their backs. They may also have a natural bob-tail.

Ears: Floppy

Health: Bichon Frises are typically healthy. They may be prone to diabetes, joint issues, allergies, vision/eye problems, bladder stones, and liver issues.

Barking: They will bark to alert and when seeking attention/feelings of loneliness.

Environment: This dog can live in apartments, condos, and houses. They are not suitable for farms because of their size. 

Popularity: As of 2023, the American Kennel Club ranked them number 44 out of 201 most popular dogs breeds in the United States.

Family Friendly? Yes, this breed is makes a good family pet. Their love of play, gentleness, and size make them fit for households with children. They are often good with other pets including cats and smaller animals, especially with early socialization. Bichon Frises also make good companions for elderly people because of their size and adaptability. 

Temperament: Gentle, playful, loving, sensitive, happy, and curious. 

Training: Bichon Frises need positive reinforcement. They are typically easy to train apart from housebreaking

Care: This breed is prone to having separation anxiety, so they should not be left alone longer than 4-5 hours at a time. They need to be brushed daily and groomed professionally every two months. It is likely that they will need to be bathed often because of their white hair. When it comes to activity, they need at least one walk per day and should have access to plenty of toys.

Hypoallergenic: YES

Other Names: Bichon, Tenerife, Canary Island Lap Dog

Famous Bichon Frises

- Darla was a Bichon Frise who appeared in many films. She was in Pee-wee's Big Adventure, The 'Burbs, and Batman Returns. Her most iconic role is Precious from Silence of The Lambs.

- Flynn won Best In Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 2018.

More Facts:

- The Bichon Frise is on of for barbichon dogs. The other three include the Bolognese, Havanese, and Maltese.

- The Bichon Frise was brought to the United States in 1956.

- In the 19th century, they were often seen performing in circuses. 

- King Henry III would carry his Bichon Frise in a basket around his neck

- "Bichon Frise" means "curly haired dog."

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