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Group: Working

Origins: Western Turkey in the mountains. The breed can be traced back all the way to 750 BC. They were bred to protect sheep from predators. Their coloring helps them to blend.

Weight: 90-140 lbs (Male), 90 lbs (Female)

Height: 2.3 - 2.8 ft 

Lifespan: 10-12 years

Coat: They have thick fur at a medium length that sheds often. Their double layered coat is coarse on the outside and soft inside. The length can vary depending on the weather environment.

Colors: White

Tail: Akbashes have a long, fluffy tail that curls.

Ears: Floppy

Health: Typically healthy, but may be prone to heart conditions, bone problems, obesity, thyroid issues, and digestive issues. 

Barking: The breed is known to bark frequently because of their protective nature.

Environment: Best in large homes or rural areas

Popularity: Rare

Family Friendly? They do better in households that do not have small children unless they have been well trained from a young age. They may get aggressive around other animals and dogs that are unfamiliar.

Temperament: Territorial, smart, loyal, brave, and independent with low energy levels. They are usually gentle and affectionate, but may get aggressive around strangers.

Training: Often difficult

Care: They need frequent, low-intensive exercise, such as daily walks. Their fur needs to be brushed and shampooed regularly. With proper training, they can be left alone for a few hours thought the workday. If by themselves for too ling, separation anxiety may develop. 

Hypoallergenic: NO

Other Names: Akbas, Akbas Coban Kopegi, and Akbas Dog

Famous Akbashes: N/A

More Facts:

- They do well in cold weather

- Akbash is Turkish for "white head."

- Their white coloring helped them to blend in with sheep.

- David and Judy Nelson first brought the Akbash to America in 1978.

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