American English Coonhound

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Group: Hound

Origins: Their ancestors were transported to America from England in the mid 1700s. They were originally bred to hunt raccoons and foxes.

Weight: 40-65 lbs 

Height: 56-69 cm (male), 53-64 cm (female)

Lifespan: 11-12 years

Coat: Typically short fur that sheds in amounts that may depend on the time of year. Their coat is firm for protection.

Colors: Redtick, bluetick tri-color, lemon and white, black and lemon, red and white, tri-color tick

Tail: A long, straight tail with some curvature.

Ears: Floppy

Health: Typically healthy but prone to eye/vision issues, hip and elbow dysplasia, and bloating.

Barking: Loud barks and howls. They typically need to learn commands to help manage vocal amounts.

Environment: They are best at large homes in rural or suburban areas.

Popularity: They are ranked in the bottom 50 on the American Kennel Club's popularity list. However, they are more common in the southern part of the United States compared to other places.

Family Friendly? Yes, they are good in families with people of all ages and other dogs. They are often prone to chasing smaller pets due to their high prey-drive. 

Temperament: Friendly, athletic, energetic, and affectionate.

Training: Often difficult because they get distracted easily. 

Care: They need plenty of time outdoors

Hypoallergenic: NO

Other Names: Redtick Coonhound, English Coonhound

Famous English Coonhounds: Bones was the first dog to win the coonhound field trial in the 1920s

More Facts:

- It is thought that George Washington helped develop the breed.

- They can climb trees.

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