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Thank you for showing interest in the Big Book of Dog Breeds A-Z! In this book, you will learn about over 100 different pure bred dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, common breeds, and rare breeds. I will be publishing information about each one per chapter in alphabetical order until there are none left. If a breed gets missed, please leave a comment to let me know. 

A few facts that will be included in each part will be origin, appearance, and care. Many will feature the names of famous dogs and celebrities that own each breed. Unfortunately, some dogs will have smaller amounts of details included in their section. This is because those breeds are very rare, so there is not much known about them.

A little about the author: My name is Clara. I am a 22 year old from the United States. I am the owner of a six year old Goldendoodle named Sammy and an eleven year old black, Standard Poodle named Presto. I would be interested to hear about your dogs!

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