American Bulldog

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Group: Non-Sporting

Origins: Descendants of English Bulldogs from England. They were originally bred for bull-baiting and became family dogs once the sport died out. In the 18th century, the breed was used by farmers for herding and guarding and hunting livestock 

Weight: 60-130 lbs (male), 60-90 lbs (female)

Height: 50-71 cm (male), 50-61 cm (female)

Lifespan: 10-15 years

Coat: Short fur that sheds.

Colors: White, brindle, fawn, brown, red

Tail: Long powerful tail. Some may have a docked tail with one or two inches remaining.

Ears: V-shaped, rose, or semi-prick

Health: Prone to allergies, skin conditions, dental issues, bladder and kidney stones, eyelid abnormalities, respiratory problems, and heat stroke. They also are known to drool and snore.

Barking: They can be vocal. They may bark to express feelings of sadness or boredom.

Environment: They need large indoor and outdoor spaces. Strong barriers such as a sturdy fence should be in place. Create limitations for where they can and cannot go around the house if children are present.

Popularity: They are common throughout the globe.

Family Friendly? Yes, it is better if they live with a family rather than one person. They are good for families with children but need to be supervised around toddlers. However, they typically are not suitable in households with elderly people or other pets. 

Temperament: They may be aggressive towards unfamiliar people and dogs. They are dominant, confident, courageous, energetic, loyal, and typically gentle .

Training: They are highly trainable but it will often be difficult for someone who has little to no training experience. To help, owners need to maintain firmness with the dog.

Care: Plenty of exercise with a tall and sturdy fence. They need food with high protein and should take muscle and joint supplements. Nasal folds should be clean weekly. The dog needs to be stimulated and socialized frequently.

Hypoallergenic: NO, some people may be sensitive to the dead skin cells that flake off when they shed.

Other Names: Hill Bulldog, Country Bulldog, Southern White, AmBull

Famous American Bulldogs

- Jack was the American Bulldog in Little House of the Prairie book series.

- Spike and Tyke were American Bulldogs from Tom and Jerry cartoons.

More Facts:

- The breed can jump higher than three feet. Some can jump as high as seven feet.

- They are often bad swimmers because of their heavy bodies.

- They nearly became extinct at the end of World War II.

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