American Leopard Hound

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Group: Hound

Origins: Their exact origins are unknown. They may be descendants of Mexican dogs brought into the New World by Spanish conquistadors. 

Weight: 45-75 lbs (male), 35-65 lbs (female)

Height: 53 - 68 cm

Lifespan: 12-15 years

Coat:  Medium length fur that is double layered. The top coat is rough and underneath is wooly. Although they shed seasonally, regular brushing can reduce amounts.

Colors: Merle, brindle, yellow, blue, red, black and tan. 

Tail: Strong and straight

Ears: V-shaped 

Health: If both of the dog's parents are merle-colored, he/she are at high risk for having health issues such as blindness or deafness. 

Barking: They often use their loud bark to vocalize.

Environment: They do best in rural areas with lots of land or a big yard.

Popularity: Very rare

Family Friendly? Yes, they need families who are active and can give them penalty of stimulation. They are known to be protective of children, although their large size could pose a risk during playtime. They are good with other dogs, but may need to be monitored around small animals because of their hunting instincts.  

Temperament: Smart, loving, protective, loyal, not typically cuddly. 

Training: They can be easy to train because they enjoy pleasing their owners.

Care: Their nails grow quickly, so they should be trimmed regularly. They also should have their ears and teeth cleaned. 

Hypoallergenic: NO

Other Names: American Leopard Cur, Leopard Dog, Leopard Tree Hound

Famous Leopard Dogs: N/A

More Facts:

- Their long legs make them fast, they enjoy running.

- They are able to track down prey for several miles making them great at hunting.

- They do well in both hot and cold weather 

- They are one of the oldest tree dogs in the United States. 

- Roughy 60% of them are solid colored.

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