Chapter 10

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Back at the medicine den, she let out a sigh of relief, the noise was gone now, and Monnblossom was quietly taking to her, she spun to face the direction of her mentor's voice as it sounded, "Featherpaw, I just want you to know that the path of a medicine cat will take much longer than the path of a warrior, so I don't want you to feel jealous if your littermates get their names first, okay?" Featherpaw nodded and Moonblossom let out a sigh of relief, "I don't mind since I know the path of a medicine cat is what I want to do." her mentor purred and nuzzled her apprentice happily, for a moment, the secret she was keeping wasn't so bad after all.

 It had been 4 moons since the dream and Featherpaw was quietly sorted out the herbs, sniffing out the withered ones and separating them from the fresh herbs that Amberpaw and Cloudpaw helped collect earlier, Featherpaw's two sisters were staring at her in awe as they watched their youngest littermate sort them our by just using scent. After she had finished, Featherpaw got permission from her mentor to go out into the forest with her sisters as long as she collected some honey to bring back, as the three littermates raced out, Featherpaw found that she easily weaved through the trees beside her littermates, as they reached the sunningrocks, they stopped running and climbed onto the rocks together, lying side by side. "So Featherpaw" Amberpaw started "How's your training going, will you get your name soon?" she tilted her head at Featherpaw in questioning, who answered happily "No, not yet, but I'm glad, that means I get more time to learn, I'm not in a hurry to become a full medicine cat. What about you and Cloudpaw, It's been about 5 or 6 moons since we became apprentices, so is your assessment soon?" Cloudpaw nodded "Our mentors told us we'll have our assessment next moon." Featherpaw purred, she hadn't spent time with her sisters for a while, since she was so busy with all the medicine cat stuff.

On their way back to camp, a badger crept up to them and attacked Featherpaw, who yowled in pain as her sisters let out a gasp and turned to face the badger, who had it's teeth tight in Featherpaw's front leg and was swinging her around, noticing the two other cats, the badger swung The small silver cat, who flew through the meadow and landed with a loud thud, lying unconscious in the grass, her head had hit a rock and her paw was at an odd angle, with a scared glance at their littermate, Cloudpaw and Amberpaw bravely tried to attack the badger, but before they could get into clawing range, a tortoiseshell figure rushed as the badger, hissing and spiting, biting the huge creature hard before Leaping away and yowling "Don't. You. Dare. Attack. My. Kits!" after that the badger gave one last roar as it lumbered away, giving the she-cats one last glare and vanishing into shadowclan territory. Flowermist raced towards her daughters, who were staring at her but soon started nuzzling their mother as Flowermist checked them "I knew you had gone out with your sister. Wait, where is Featherpaw?" Flowermist scanned their surroundings, and rushed over to her youngest daughter, who was lying limp beside the sunningrocks, without another word she gave a loud meow and Whitecloud, the father of Amberpaw, Cloudpaw and Featherpaw came running over to his mate, they shared a glance and lifted their kit up, "Cloudpaw, Amberpaw, lift up her tail" Flowermist instructed as they carried Featherpaw back to camp.

Author's note: Yes I know that Amberpaw, Cloudpaw, Flowermist and Whitecloud haven't shown for ages, but lets just assume it's been 5 and a half moons ok?

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