Chapter 18

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"I think you better come with me." Silvercloud murmured, quickly stretching her muzzle over the border to nuzzle her friend. The two cats agreed to meet at the rocks but go through their own territory, just in case, the rocks marking part of the Thunderclan-Riverclan border was half submerged but the two she-cats managed to get over and meet on the rocks. "You see..." Featherpaw started, explaining her true heritage and informing Silvercloud on what she needed to know in order to answer Featherpaw's question about Reedcloud. "Wow, I can tell you quite a lot about him, you see, he's my father to... That means we're half sisters I guess." Featherpaw nodded in astonishment. "We must be, can you tell me a bit about him?" Silvercloud nodded and began with all sorts of information, soon enough Featherpaw found that his mate was Streamstar, who was also Silvercloud's mother and the leader of Riverclan, and that he was Riverclan's deputy and was a loyal warrior. After all that the two said their farewells and returned to their camps, Featherpaw stopping by the training area and picking up some coltsfoot for Goldenheart's cough, and some yarrow near snakerocks for Flowermist's wound. Back at camp, Moonblossom purred at her apprentice's arrival. "You took a while. You found herbs, they must have been shielded by something!" Featherpaw nodded and returned to the den, preparing for sleep, it was late and she was out half the day, after putting the herbs into the store her mind was whirling with all the things she found out from Silvercloud, yawning, she closed her eyes, letting darkness surround her and lull her to sleep.

Featherpaw opened her eyes, where was she? This wasn't Starclan, Dapplemist and the sunny meadow of Starclan territory was nowhere to be seen, instead, she was in a murky, dark forest with cats training? She could see again, so this definitely wasn't the real world, the young silver tabby traced her mind of the stories she heard as a kit, dark, murky, dirty... Then it hit her, she was in the place of no stars. The dark forest.

This must be where Flowermist had been going all this time, Featherpaw thought. It makes sense, due to the tortoiseshell's behavior these days. Scanning through the fighting crowd, Featherpaw was thankful she could see here, spotting her adopted mother in the crowd, fighting a dark brown tabby tom with menacing amber eyes, they were circling each other, poised to strike, then the moment came, they leapt at each other although it was obvious that Flowermst had no chance, the other at was almost twice her size although to Featherpaw's astonishment, Flowermist almost pined the bigger tom down before he overpowered her, slashing viciously at her flanks. Featherpaw had to put a stop to this or the consequence may be bad. Making a mental note to tell Moonblossom when she woke up, she raced toward the two fighting cats, Featherpaw never had any warrior training, unlike the normal medicine cats apprentices, who were trained to defend themselves, she couldn't due to her blindness but she was willing to risk her life for a cat she loved. Rearing up and pushing of her back legs, she leapt high into the air and landed on the dark forest tom, Flowermist was panting on the ground, blood leaking where she had a wound running across her flank. With the dark brown tabby stunned, Featherpaw hurried over to her adopted mother and pressed her small paws across the wound along Flowermist's flank, attempting to stop the bleeding,  murmuring something about treating the tortoiseshell she-cat when they woke up, Featherpaw whirled to face the huge tom, who was standing up and growling, "Who's this tiny silver thing? Flowermist did you bring her here?" Featherpaw shivered at the sound of his creepy voice, to her luck, Flowermist didn't tell him the truth but shot a look at her adopted kit to say nothing. "She's my kit Darkclaw. You better not hurt her." Darkclaw shot a look at Featherpaw's cloudy eyes and muttered something about useless blind kits being nothing to the dark forest and said, "This kit sized of a cat is useless, take her away, I never expected my Dark Forest apprentice to bring this useless ball of fur to me." Flowermist dipped her head, she was acting like a humble apprentice and after that Darkclaw said something about it being day now and the Place of No Stars began to fade as Featherpaw began to wake up...

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