Chapter 11

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Featherpaw woke to the light creeping through the medicine den entrance and started wondering how long she's been unconscious for, but then when she heard her mentor come over, fear scent surrounding the normally calm medicine cat as she meowed gently "How are you feeling Featherpaw, you've been unconscious for four days." she told her apprentice gently, and Featherpaw nodded distractedly, attempting to shift in her nest a little but let out a hiss of pain as her front leg crumpled underneath her. "You broke your paw." Moonblossom told her apprentice as she collapsed into the nest, defeated. "But you mother's come to visit you." Moonblossom stepped aside to reveal Featherpaw's mother, who came over to give her daughter a lick, "Your so brave..." she murmured before her scent left the den. "We should be going to the moonpool tonight but can you make it?" her mentor asked, concerned. Although she was aching all over and in pain, Featherpaw nodded determinedly "I have so make it."

Featherpaw dragged herself over the final rock, she let out a sigh, she had to be half dragged by her mentor most of the way and her broken leg was hurting a lot, even if Moonblossom had put a splint on it. Finally arriving at the moonpool, she realised it had been ages since she had seen Silverpaw because of the moonpool freezing over for 4 entire moons! Holding her injured leg up and limping over to her friend, she purred in greeting and received a gasp of shock from her Silverpaw, following a shocked wail "What happened to you?!" she asked but Featherpaw stayed silent, not wanting to admit the fact that she was unconscious and didn't actually know what happened. Luckily, the Silverpaw's mentor, Rippledstream, gave an announcement "Tonight, I shall give Silverpaw her full medicine name, she deserves it" the Riverclan medicine cat purred and began the ceremony. "I Rippledstream, medicine cat of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her clan for many moons. Silverpaw, do you promise to up to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clan and clan and protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" Silverpaw let out a quiet purr "I do." Rippledstream continued "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Silverpaw, from this day on you will be known as Silvercloud. Starclan honors you for your kindness and enthusiasm, we welcome you as a full medicine cat of Riverclan!" then she flattened her ears and ducked behind Moonblossom but the cheering was much quieter since there were only about about eight cats here and it wasn't so bad and she happily cheered with them as they chanted "Silvercloud! Silvercloud!"

Author's note: Chapters will be much longer now. 

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