Chapter 15

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 It was the day of Amberpaw and Cloudpaw's assessment and they had just come back, Featherpaw smiled as she heard Amberpaw bound over, "How did your assessment go?" she asked, Amberpaw purred, "Cloudpaw and I both passed! Violetstar said we'd get out names after the clan has eaten at sunset. Featherpaw purred, she was proud of her adopted sisters.

At sunset after everycat has eaten their fresh-kill, Violetstar's familiar voice rang through the clearing to once again gather the cats, "may all cats old enough to catch their on prey gather around the highrock for a clan meeting!" as the cats trotted over, Cloudpaw and Amberpaw came over and sat right in front of the rock as the ceremony started.  "Cloudpaw and Amberpaw, please come forward." Featherpaw was so proud as her two adopted littermates walked up to the clan leader and got their names, "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices, they have trained hard to understand the ways of a warrior, Cloudpaw, Amberpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect this clan, even at the cost of your life?"     "I do" said Amberpaw, Cloudpaw echoing her mew with equal steadiness. "Then by the power of starclan I give you your warrior names, Cloudpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Cloudust, starclan honors you for your energy and skill, we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!" then there was a pause, there always was, Moonblossom told her it was when the clan leader touches her nose to the cat becoming a warrior's head, after that, the apprentice who was becoming a warrior would respectfully lick their leader's shoulder. After what she guessed was the bit she didn't know about due to her blindness, the ceremony continued "Amberpaw, from this day on you will be known as Ambersong, starclan honors you for your cleverness and your eagerness, we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!" the clan started cheering for the two new warriors and Featherpaw joined in, letting a purr escape her throat. "Ambersong! Cloudust!" after quite a while the cheering died down and it was time for the two she-cat's vigil. Leaving her adopted sisters in the middle of the clearing, she secretly started looking forward to when it was her turn to be cheered for, maybe she was ready...

It was raining, hard, it was the day Ambersong and Cloudust finished their vigil and it was sunhigh, it had started raining very suddenly. Featherpaw was glad she didn't have to go out today because Moonblossom was getting her to treat Willowfur, who had a thorn in paw, as Featherpaw tugged it out, Willowfur let out a sigh and purred in thanks before leaving, there was a moment of silence before Moonblossom broke it, "It's so quiet in the camp without kits, there hasn't been any since Flowermist's litter, and you, of course." Featherpaw nodded although she expected to have some on their way soon, since Cloudust had started sharing a den with Jayclaw again, Featherpaw could tell that she was delighted. 

"How long will it be raining for?" asked Featherpaw, it had been raining all day and Featherpaw needed to go outside, first of all she hadn't congratulated Ambersong and Cloudust yet, secondly they were running out of catmint and tansy, in this cold weather, they were bound to need some. Featherpaw was also confused, it was greenleaf, and it was raining as if it were the beginning of newleaf, and the temperature, it was so cold, Featherpaw knew the prophecy was continuing, the great secret was revealed and just as things started returning to normal, the prophecy was continuing, another thing, Flowermist was acting weirdly, it was worrying both Moonblossom and Featherpaw, both of them had noticed Flowermist's change of personality, and they were sure Ambersong and Cloudust were suspecting something to...

Author's note: I'm really sorry if it isn't very good, please tell me how I can improve. Also, Cinnamorollwillow is writing a book called The Lonely Nutella, anyone interested should read it, it's really good, I've read it. Please comment and vote for her!

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