30: Setting in a Honeymoon

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-Several Years Later-

"You may now kiss the bride."

It was fantastic.

Just after a few years, Patrick had claimed his one and only Snowy as his wife.

They had an amazing wedding, white and red decorations everywhere, lining the walls of the ballroom.

They had the most fantastic wedding you could ever think of.

They were really in love.



"Yes sweetie?" Patrick pokes his head into their bedroom, seeing his wife curled up under the covers.

"I really want cuddles..." She groaned, stretching and trying to prevent herself from moving too fast.

She couldn't bother the baby.

The singer nodded, kissing his wife on the forehead and crawling into bed with her.
His hand softly rubbed the small bump on her stomach.

Lily Roxanne Stump they named her.

She was amazing, married the love of her life, started a career in art, and became an inspiration.

And you know what?

I guess I could say,

They lived Happily Ever After.

The End.

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