10: The Nightmare On Christmas

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Patricks P.O.V.

I woke to the sounds of Sierra's soft breaths down my neck.

Her head was buried in my neck while she leaned against me. I hugged her a little and slowly stood up, not waking her, to check the time.


Somehow we slept for 9 hours.

My mom is in bed and my dad should be too. I sighed a little and made my way into the living room and clicked the tv off. Once I had everything shut off, I slowly snaked one arm around Sierra's waist, and one under her knees and lifted her to bring her to my room. I shuffled down the hall and into my room, plopping her on my bed and pulling my comforter over her.

She looks so cute when she sleeps.

What the heck am I thinking!?!?! She's my best friend!!!

I scolded myself and sighed a little. I decided to take a small blanket from my bed and curl up on the floor.

The floor is fucking hard!!! This is the worst bed ever. I hate sleeping on the floor, but hey, at least my bear is happy.

"Trick?" Sierra asked tiredly.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Will you come up here?" She asked patting the space next to her.

"Do you want me to?" I asked sitting up.

"Yea," She whispered as I gladly climbed in the bed with her.

"My mom would never let me do this," She giggled.

"Neither would mine," I smiled.

"Well, it's my birthday tomorrow so I can do whatever I want..." She mumbled falling into a light sleep.

I smiled at her and closed my eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.


Sierra's P.O.V.

I was on a path in the woods, walking slowly, avoiding the edges which held thorn bushes and poison ivy. I had a heavy black hoodie on, while I trudged the through the black mud on the path.

"SNOWY!!!!" I heard a masculine voice scream from the shadowed woods to the right. I jumped a little and grabbed my chest.

I know that voice.

I immediately dashed through the thorns and ivy isolating the path, my legs getting scratched by the plants. My breathing gained heaviness as I sprinted faster. As I got closer to the screams I began to see two shadows forming in the distance. There, stood Dave, and with Dave's arm wrapped around their neck, a knife at their throat,

was my father.

"DAD!!!" I screamed gaining speed.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" Dave screamed.

I immediately stopped, almost tripping, and froze, my eyes locked onto Dave's.

"SIERRA!!!" My dad choked reaching out a hand, but failing to reach me since I was at least 25 feet away.

"THIS ASSHOLE TOOK YOUR MOTHER AWAY FROM ME!!! NOW I WILL TAKE HER BACK!!!!" Dave screamed jabbing the knife into my dad's neck.

"DAD!!! NOOOOO!!!" I screamed.

I shot up, gasping, gripping my chest, coming back to reality.

I was in Patrick's room, him fast asleep next to me. I whimpered a little and shook his arm a little.

"Trick?" I asked quietly.

He shifted a little and turned around, looking at me with tired eyes.

"Yes baby bear?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"I had a really bad dream," I whimpered lying back down.

"Come here," He yawned opening his arms for me.

I gladly snuggled into his chest as he tightly wrapped his arms around me, smiling a little. He yawned and snuggled his head into the crook of my neck.

After a few minutes of thinking, I drifted off into sleep.

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