22: The End Of All Things

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Patrick's P.O.V.

I squeezed Pete's hand tightly as my tears rolled down my pale cheeks. He tried to kill himself, and I couldn't help him.

It left me in a state of sadness and confusion, like I had become a huge blob of emotions.

He lay there, his face pale and his arms weak, his breathing very rigid and forced, as he was attached to an oxygen tank thingy. Don't look at me, I'm not a doctor, I have no idea what the heck that thing is.

"Pete, please wake up, please," I begged, my words muffled as my head was stuffed into the mattress next to the older man.

Why would he do this to me? He knew about Sierra, I was already worried about her, she could be dead for all I know.

A high voice pierced my thoughts.

"Excuse me sir, your going to have to leave," A slutty looking nurse said. She was wearing a hip high dress with tights, and her butt stook out a lot.

I groaned and checked the clock.

9 o'clock? Already?

"Kay," I said gloomily, getting up and pacing towards the door.

I gripped the cold door handle, sighing and taking one last look at Pete, who slept soundly in his hospital bed.

I pulled open the huge door, another tear falling down my cheek.

A loud groan filled the room.



Pete woke up, and once we got him out of the hospital, he got depression therapy so he acted like Pete again. Also, we released a new album called "Folie A Duex", which was a huge hit, and went on tour as usual, but it was different, because I met a beautiful girl named Eliza.

(Quick A/N, I have absolutely nothing against Elisa, so I'm going to call her Eliza so I don't feel as bad in future chapters)

We started dating and I couldn't be happier with her.


Sierra's P.O.V.

Things have been bad because of Pete whole suicide thing because Roxie's been stressed, but once we heard he was okay, she was normal again. And I've been visiting Gerard more now, which is great, and a few times the band was there, and I think Frank has developed a crush on Roxie. Remember! I said think, not know, so I'm just guessing from the stares and blushes when she touches him in any way.

Gerard is home now, which means I get to stay with him, it makes me happy.

"Baby," He groaned from the couch.

"What do you want?" I asked from the kitchen.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I said plopping down next to him.

"Um, the band is gonna take a break from tours for a month or so, and I was wondering if you wanted to live with me?" He asked nervously.

"Of course Gee," I said kissing him softly.

He smiled as I ran a hand through his short blonde hair, frowning.

"I liked your black hair," I groaned falling onto his lap.

"Well maybe I'll grow it out, I've always wanted red hair, like, the color red, not like hair color red," I nodded as he placed a small kiss on my forehead.


Andy's P.O.V.

I'm worried for Patrick.

He hasn't been acting normal, as if a part of his heart had been taken away from him. I need the old Patrick back. I think we all do. He only talks to Pete we he's in his sad mode. They end up in the small room at the end of the bus that consists of a bed and a tiny dresser, so Pete can "cool down" Patrick. I just hope nothing Peterick like is happening in there.


Patrick's P.O.V.

I rolled over on my tiny bunk, reaching to get my phone to see if Pete was awake in the bunk under mine.

To: That Cool Dude (he put that as his name in my phone)

You awake?

He never replied so I figured he was asleep. I placed my phone next to me and turned onto my back, feeling a small thing poking my chest from the small buttoned pocket on my shirt.

I opened the small pocket and a small chain necklace fell into my hand.

There was a small metal heart on the chain, and the words engraved into it was the word, 'Forever'.

-Flashback Of Amazingness-

She opened the small dark box and gasped, looking at it with tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

"It's like a promise ring, except its a necklace, and it's to promise to be friends forever,"

"I-It's beautiful Patrick, I don't know what to say," She said as I wrapped the necklace around her neck.

I wrapped my arms around her frail waist and placed my chin on her shoulder, smiling as the thanked me a million times.

"You're welcome," I giggled squeezing my best friend.

-End Of Flashback-

How did this get here?

I remember stuffing it into the pocket of some random shirt and just stuffing the shirt in the back of my drawer. That was like 2 years ago, how could it just suddenly appear?

I slowly separated the two metal hearts, and the two pictures of me and Sierra were too overwhelming.

They were us in our outfits from our Graduation.

I forgot how beautiful she is.

She's so beautiful.

I miss her.

But she has Gerard. And I have Eliza. I might as well forget about her, if that's possible. I don't think it is though, since she put such an impact on my life.

"Yo Pat! Want some Pizza?!" I heard Joe's voice ask from the kitchen.

I sighed and climbed out of my bunk, walking down the hall slowly, clipping the small locket around my neck, hiding it in my shirt.

"Sure, and don't call me Pat... Joey," I said with a laugh at the end as Joe screamed with annoyance.


"Then don't call me Pat," I laughed plopping onto the small tan couch.

"Fine." He replied strictly.

I laughed and reached to grab a plate, when something weird happened.

I stopped.

Something told me to stop.

Something made me act like I wasn't hungry and walk away back to my bunk.

And that's when It started.

I started getting skinnier every day.

I was beginning to be... different. No longer the old Patrick everybody knew, now I was the Patrick everybody hated. All the fans began to judge me. They began to question me. Well, at least no one messages me anymore telling me I'm a fat piece of shit and to rot it hell. Now I was an anorexic piece of shit that needed to rot it hell.

And that's when it happened.

"I think it's time for a break from this whole band thing," Pete stated, scratching his newly shaved head awkwardly, Pete was now emo free.

"That could be a good idea, now that Pete's married and all," Joe sighed looking at the floor.

It was decided.

The hiatus had begun.

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